- Texas TV host to candidate: ‘Are you Christian enough to represent this district?’
May 22, 2016
- Robertson: Drug addicts who don’t work or get treatment should ‘starve to death’
May 19, 2016
- Hagee: ‘God will not hold us harmless’ if you don’t vote for Trump
May 18, 2016
- NC man ripped off Muslim woman’s hijab: ‘This is America!’
May 13, 2016
- Florida man sentenced for threatening to bomb mosques
May 10, 2016
- Mayor says potholes can be filled with prayer
May 6, 2016
- Man files restraining order against God
May 5, 2016
- Miracle? Oil coming from icon of John the Baptist
May 1, 2016
- Evangelicals plan Trump meeting to test his values
May 21, 2016
- Republican chaplain tries to block Muslim nominee because ‘Islam and Christianity do not mix’
May 19, 2016
Phil Robertson offers to teach Trump how to be a ChristianPHIL ROBERTSON: I'll make a valued attempt to sit down with Donald and a Bible. I can be his spiritual advisor!https://t.co/ixiRknG5IH
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) May 18, 2016May 18, 2016
- Franklin Graham: School districts controlled by ‘wicked evil people…gays, lesbians’
May 13, 2016
- Pastor caught with gun at airport says it’s God’s way of promoting gun safety
May 10, 2016
- Trump effect: Spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes
May 6, 2016
- Parents sing ‘Jesus Love Me’ to shut up trans supporter
May 4, 2016
- Jesus, the first transgender man
May 20, 2016
- Pope calls employers who don’t provide healthcare ‘leaches’
May 19, 2016
- Jeffress: God wants you to stay with your birth gender
May 14, 2016
- Mentally ill man attempts suicide when meds are replaced with Bible study
May 10, 2016
- Trump now attacking the religious right
May 9, 2016
- Pope: Tear down walls, build bridges
May 6, 2016
- Tonight we find out if God (and Cruz and Beck) are correct
May 3, 2016