Trump to meet with evangelicals to explain how he’ll bring about a more Christian nation
Trump will have another opportunity to wave the Bible and tell everyone how much it’s the best book he ever read, followed by his own.
Click here for reuse options!Trump is going to his first Pastors and Pews meeting to face a gauntlet of questions from evangelical Christians about how he’d bring about a more Christian nation.
It will be a friendly room for the Republican presidential nominee, but there will be high expectations from the 700 conservative pastors and spouses at the private meeting sponsored by the American Renewal Project Thursday in Florida, organizers said.
Trump’s central appeal on the campaign trail to religious conservatives is his promise to repeal the Johnson Amendment, an IRS rule that prohibits churches from using their tax-exempt resources to promote political candidates.
“That’s a good first step,” said David Lane, the American Renewal Project’s founder. “But what about the religious liberty of Christian photographers, Christian bakers, Christian retreat centers, and pastors who believe same-sex intercourse and marriage is sin? These Christians were simply living out their deeply held convictions of their Christian faith when they politely refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding. Doesn’t the First Amendment give us all a right to our beliefs?”Lane added, “Homosexual totalitarianism is out of the closet, the militants are trying herd Christians there.”
…Trump’s personal résumé doesn’t seem tailored for this audience: He’s on his third marriage, doesn’t regularly attend church, has demonstrated a lack of familiarity with Bible passages, said last summer during a question-and-answer session at another Christian forum that he has never asked God for forgiveness, and has changed his stances on abortion issues several times.
But he was given rave reviews for his speech to about 1,000 evangelical conservatives at a closed-door meeting in June in New York organized by United in Purpose. One of his biggest applause lines came when he said “we’re going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again” instead of the secular “happy holidays” greeting, attendees said.
Copyright 2016 Liberaland
67 responses to Trump to meet with evangelicals to explain how he’ll bring about a more Christian nation
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Charlie Seivard August 9th, 2016 at 20:56
The more I hear of the supposed Christians supporting Trump the more embarrassed I am to be a Christian.
whatthe46 August 9th, 2016 at 21:10
sorry. i would love to ask one of these so-called “christians” “what exactly does it mean to be a Christian?” because if they are how “christians” are supposed to treat their fellow man, then that’s one fk’d up religion. (by their standards anyway)
Jay Jay August 15th, 2016 at 01:06
Vote for a Muslim then.
whatthe46 August 15th, 2016 at 01:26
if there was a Muslim running, i’d vote for them before any of these hypocrites who call themselves “christain.”
Jay Jay August 15th, 2016 at 03:29
I know you would.
MyDogsAreSmarterThanYou August 9th, 2016 at 23:55
Yes, the First Amendment gives you the right to your beliefs. Not the right to force those beliefs on others. Evangelical Christians are little better than radical Muslims.
granpa.usthai August 10th, 2016 at 10:11
ever since graham went on his post world war 2 rage, AMERICAN CITIZENS have been hounded for their lifestyles – including the BASIC RIGHT to be free. Now that EQUALITY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION are actually upheld and being enforced, they become the ‘persecuted ones’ for not being allowed to PERSECUTE others?
I say BAH! – POPPYCOCK! -and call them on their LYING BS!
oldfart August 10th, 2016 at 01:04
Where there is a tRump
There’s a believer.
granpa.usthai August 10th, 2016 at 10:05
paintings seem to always knock off a free
hundred pounds.
especially around the cheeks and chin.
Carolina Gonzalez August 11th, 2016 at 00:39
fahvel August 10th, 2016 at 02:23
uh huh, “I know god personally, really nice old guy, told me to rule the world, best god there ever was”. This thing is getting sicker and more dangerous by the mouthful.
granpa.usthai August 10th, 2016 at 10:03
interesting that trump, the gop candidate for POTUS who REFUSES to release his CROOKED TAX RETURNS would want to discuss the IRS and their EXTREMELY LIBERAL policies of ALL RELIGIOUS tagged TAX FREE benies.