Why are we so MAD?

Posted by | May 12, 2010 10:20 | Filed under: Contributors Gabe Berman Top Stories

As Seen in the Bookstore…

by Gabe Berman

Gabe is a freelance writer for the Miami Herald and author of Live Like a Fruit Fly

Our beloved Alfred E. Neuman is the latest to jump on the anti-Obama bandwagon.

There he is on the front cover of this month’s MAD magazine proudly sporting an I “HEART” OBAMA t-shirt. However, art imitates life andAlfred scribbled ‘ED’ next to the heart indicating that he once loved our president,but no longer does.

“We’re writing off Obama,” is what it says on MAD’s website, but there’s no mention of why anywhere in the publication.  Once again, art imitates life.  Why have his poll numbers plummeted?  Aside from the birthers, teabaggers, ultra-rich and racists, no one truly knows why they’re mad at President Obama but it’s obviously in vogue so they’ll follow along like lemmings.

We voted for change and bizarrely seem to be itching to regress to the dark doldrums of the status quo.

Pogo, another famous comic book character, once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

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Copyright 2010 Liberaland
By: Gabe Berman

Gabe Berman is a native New Yorker who settled in South Florida after graduating from the University of Miami. An epiphany, a passion, and a trail of breadcrumbs led him out of Corporate America and into the career he was meant for. After eight years of writing columns for the Miami Herald, his book - Live Like A Fruit Fly - was published by HCI Books and subsequently endorsed by Deepak Chopra. His second book, The Complete B.S. Free and Totally Tested Writing Guide, helps artists find their voice and his latest work, Where Is God When Our Loved Ones Get Sick?, uncovers the answer to this haunting question.

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