U.S. Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Triple Since Paris Attacks

Posted by | December 20, 2015 12:55 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Religion

Sadly, America is becoming a bastion of anti-Muslim hated.

In Queens, New York, a Muslim store owner reported an attack from a man who screamed that he would “kill Muslims.” In Macon, Georgia, vandals defaced the local Islamic center with words like “terrorist” as well as obscenities. In Castro Valley, California, a woman accosted a group of Muslims praying in a park by shouting obscenities,…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

17 responses to U.S. Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Triple Since Paris Attacks

  1. tracey marie December 20th, 2015 at 13:19

    This is sad, I took the invitation from a mosque to witness their community and even study the qouran. It was enlightening, I respected them and they respected me…I went for several months.

    • Suzanne McFly December 20th, 2015 at 13:23

      See, that takes work and brain power, being ignorant is sooooo much easier.

      • tracey marie December 20th, 2015 at 13:27

        It was a wonderful experience, I have friends across the world and friends of diffrent religions …this showed trust on the womens part.

    • Mike December 20th, 2015 at 23:59

      Did they also teach you about all the verses that talk about killing anyone who doesn’t agree with them? The ones who don’t commit murder for Allah usually pretend like those verses don’t exist, when they do. Islamic professor at the university I went to, that’s basically what he said. He said in America, Muslims will ignore the verses talking about murdering unbelievers, but still think they’re Muslim. He also said they are not true Muslims if they don’t kill in the name of Allah.

      Sure, they may respect you, which is good, but if Mohammad was alive and knew what kind of Islam these people were practicing and preaching, he’d have them killed because it’s not his Islam.

      Besides, Islam is just a bunch of stories, that had been known in Pre-Islamic Arabia for thousands of years before Mohammad, “Invented” Islam. Also, I’d rather believe in a God who wants you have a personal relationship with him, aka, the God of Abraham, then a God you can’t pray to, can’t talk to, and doesn’t let you become personal with him, in Allah/ Speaking of Allah, he started off as a Pre-Islamic Arabian Pagan God. He was a moon god, along with a “female” sun god. Mohammad took all those stories, took out a few Gods that he and his family worshiped at one time, said “one true God gave me divine words” and ran with it. It’s not divine, he claimed it was divine so he could rape, murder, steal, and enslave people who didn’t follow his orders. He’s a horrible human being.

      Also funny how they’re told to avoid alcohol on earth, but once they get into paradise they get all the booze they want. Sin on earth, is a sin in paradise. I’d rather go to a gold paved street heaven where Jesus comes by every day and talks to his people and there is nothing but peace. The whole tons of wine and virgins thing, yeah, those were the two most appealing thing to Pre-Islamic Arabian men, so Mohammad made that up to get followers.

      You cannot sit there, and tell me it’s a lovely religion. Sure, the Bible has bloody parts, but New Testament is all about the love God gives to us, and how we should spread love and not hate. The Quran talks more about killing non believers then it does about how to be a good Muslim.

      • arc99 December 21st, 2015 at 00:39

        I don’t give a rat’s behind about your analysis of the Koran, Old Testament, New Testament, the Torah or any other religious text.

        Frankly, the last person whose opinion on Islam we should be listening to is someone who is not a Muslim. Using your logic, former Christians who think being a Southern Baptist is bullshit, are the foremost authorities on what it means to be a southern Baptist.

        You are certainly entitled to your jaundiced bigoted opinions. But fortunately, your bigotry does not govern this country. This country is governed by the United States Constitution which includes both the first amendment and article 6.

        So you go ahead and continue to post your statements of religoius bigotry. I will simply take your words, replace the term “Muslim” with the word “Jew” and easily illustrate the vile nature of religious bigotry, regardless of who the target of that bigotry might be.

        A non-Muslim trying to present himself as an authority on who is a “true Muslim” is about the most ridiculous, intellectually dishonest premise I can imagine.

      • arc99 December 21st, 2015 at 00:59

        your point about who would have been killed based on the practices of centuries ago is downright silly.

        5 centuries ago Christians were burning people alive. using your logic, if the devout Christian elders of Salem were still alive and in charge, millions of people in this country would be killed

        so what is your point?

      • fahvel December 21st, 2015 at 13:11

        have you ever read the fkn bible and the evil and slaughter and genocide encouraged by the god of maleable abraham?

  2. BillPasadena December 20th, 2015 at 13:43

    If Trump’s words can create more Muslim terrorists, why is it so hard to understand that ISIS and their supporters killing innocents wouldn’t increase hate for Muslims?

    Fear and hate is a human emotion. Look how many Americans hate foxnews.

    • MyDogsAreSmarterThanYou December 20th, 2015 at 16:18

      Nobody is saying that the phenomenon is difficult to understand. The fact that idiots will commit criminal acts against people that had absolutely nothing to do with them be scared or hateful is quite easy to wrap your head around.

      • BillPasadena December 20th, 2015 at 16:40

        I’m missing your point. Are you saying it doesn’t matter what Trump says because crazy people are crazy or the words of Trump are encouraging more terrorists.

        • MyDogsAreSmarterThanYou December 20th, 2015 at 17:00

          My point is that hateful a**hats will find a scapegoat no matter what.

    • Richard Banville December 20th, 2015 at 17:43

      Only a.bigot hates an entire religion just for the actions of a few.

      Like Da’esh, Trump and Fox News spread ignorance, fear, and hate. They use lies and propaganda to influence weak minds. Just because we oppose them doesn’t mean we hate them. Yes, they have a corrosive effect on society, but good people don’t fall for their mean-spirited lies.

      • Mike December 20th, 2015 at 23:51

        Just like only a bigot hates an entire culture, the gun culture, for the actions of a few. 98% of us legal gun owners, have never killed a human being, or even shot at one. IT’s the illegal gun owners that make us look bad.

        Obama says not to judge all Muslims on the actions of a few, but you’re to judge all gun owners on the actions of a few. Such much hypocrisy.

        • Obewon December 21st, 2015 at 08:35

          You’re 7 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Conservative Terrorist Than A Muslim Extremist! Via William’s link above.

          Furthermore 33,000 Americans are killed by gun violence annually, with 100,000 shot each year costing taxpayers $230 B+ each year in HC, property damages, court costs, lost wages, etc. USA toddlers kill more Americans today than all foreign terrorists. Just 32% are gunowner households, but commit 2/3 of all U.S. homicides.

        • fahvel December 21st, 2015 at 13:09

          remove your head from you rear and try the thing called thinking and then wipe the blood off of the streets of the usa spilled by your local gun aficionados.

  3. William December 20th, 2015 at 14:09

    Here in the USA, you are much more likely to be murdered by a radicalized conservative.http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/11/30/youre-7-times-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-a-conservative-terrorist-than-a-muslim-extremist/

  4. amersham46 December 20th, 2015 at 20:25

    Hate is easier than trying to understand

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