Huckabee: Pope Should Fire ‘Elitist’ Staffers Who Distanced Him From Kim Davis

Posted by | October 7, 2015 19:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Religion

Maybe the Pope should fire the staffers who granted Kim Davis time with him, but not according to Mike Huckabee.

Huckabee, who says he spoke with Davis about the meeting at the Values Voter Summit, insisted in an interview with Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson yesterday that Davis and the pope “visited privately, just the two of them, for about 15 minutes” and that it is “elitist” forces in the Vatican who are trying to downplay the pope’s support for Davis’ cause. Outside of that “elitist world,” he said, people realize that Davis’ case could mark “the beginning of the criminalization of Christianity.”

“Now, why the Vatican is trying to downplay this meeting, the only thing I can figure is that many of the very liberal elements, not only of the media, but in some cases of the Catholic Church want to distance themselves because in their elitist world, Kim Davis is an unpopular figure,” Huckabee said. “But I’m telling you, wherever she goes and wherever I see people, in every airport I get on a plane and people say, ‘Thanks for standing up for Kim Davis.’ It’s very different because people realize that this is the beginning of the criminalization of Christianity if we don’t stand up to it…

…“I’d like to think that at some point the pope might start reading the press clips and maybe fire some of the people who are trying to represent him. I know, as a candidate, if I had press people that were out there misrepresenting my views, they wouldn’t be my press people any longer.”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

61 responses to Huckabee: Pope Should Fire ‘Elitist’ Staffers Who Distanced Him From Kim Davis

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  2. allison1050 October 8th, 2015 at 06:10

    He get dumber with each passing day.

  3. mrbigstuff October 8th, 2015 at 06:47

    Huckabuck is just trying to raise a few more $’s from the rubes before he exits the race

  4. Jeffrey Samuels October 8th, 2015 at 12:29

    Mr. Huckabee…..You’re fired – the Pope

  5. E.A. Blair October 15th, 2015 at 00:41

    Huckabee, you are a damned and hellbound heretic Protestant who has no authority over the true leader of the Holy Mother Church. In a better time, when the Church ran things, you would have been burned alive for your heresy./s

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