Low Ranking Air Force Retiree: ISIS ‘An Entirely Empty Threat’

Posted by | October 4, 2014 22:38 | Filed under: Top Stories

President Obama recently admitted that the United States underestimated the growth of ISIS. Since then, one can easily assume that the full weight of our intelligence and law enforcement communities, military advisers up to and including the Joint Chiefs of Staff and foreign policy specialists are on the job.

Reports have arisen that ISIS is calling for western “lone wolf” followers carry out terrorist attacks, particularly against service men and women. The FBI and Homeland Security issued a warning in a hearing before Congress. All threats of this nature are, of course, taken seriously.

Not to worry. Brian Kolfage, a retired Senior Airman, has decided that the threat is an empty one and that ISIS is a “paper tiger”. Good news everyone. Brian Kolfage, the Air Force equivalent to Corporal Klinger in rank and because such imagery makes me chuckle, has assessed the threat and found it wanting.

In an interview with Sons of Liberty, Kolfage was quoted:

“I think it’s just an empty threat. What these people want to do is invoke fear. They just shoot their mouth off and that’s what they do best…Members of our military are trained to fight and trained to kill. Some Islamic wannabe terrorist[s] are not going to be matched up if they’re going to try and do something to a veteran because I’m sure a majority of them are armed and would have no problem taking them out.”

I’m inclined to believe that the veterans and military families of this country will take heed of this very real threat despite what Brian Kolfage says. The rest of his interview was filled with more insight into his advice:

“We’re wasting our resources over there. We’re spending like $10 Billion a day bombing them when our own border is wide open. They can just come over anytime they want. Even someone with ebola can just walk right through the border if they want. There’s so many failures going on that might catastrophically bite us in the ass one day.”

Yes, we might invade a country for profit and create a terrorist threat that didn’t exist that will one day make the terrorist threat we should have been focusing on look like child’s play. Especially interesting was his claim that we’re spending $10 Billion a day. It doesn’t matter that Kolfage doesn’t know how much we’ve really spent; he’s extremely confident that he knows  or can guess at things like real statistics and information. Despite previous warnings that ISIS is coming across those open borders he loves to talk about, it’s all about ebola and catastrophic failures…somehow.

Here’s a little dose of reality. Brian has peviously gone into a frenzy over the posting of his beautiful baby daughter, claiming that her safety had been compromised. The picture was taken from a post on his own public page. In his anger and search for hate where none should exist Brian has blinded himself to his own hypocrisy by posting a story about the threat. The threat warnings are very real. I hope for his sake he takes the necessary precautions, as a veteran and therefore a target, to keep his family safe.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: BustaTroll

On a summer day in 2013 Busta Troll was born of the politically active mind of one Christopher Blair to dissect the idiocy of the trolls on his Facebook page...It became obvious that Busta was destined not only to bust trolls, but to join the ranks of trolls of the liberal variety...After a year of trolling the informationally (I just made that up) and intellectually impaired right wing nutjobs of Facebook and many, many goatz, Busta has settled into a comfy chair and gone back to writing...

222 responses to Low Ranking Air Force Retiree: ISIS ‘An Entirely Empty Threat’

  1. Ace Welnicke October 5th, 2014 at 15:22

    I would have to think that Brian Kolfage Sr must be worn out while protecting the inter webs from the evil liberal empire. Brian Jr is no more qualified to speak about foreign affairs than his father is a lawyer.

  2. Ace Welnicke October 5th, 2014 at 15:22

    I would have to think that Brian Kolfage Sr must be worn out while protecting the inter webs from the evil liberal empire. Brian Jr is no more qualified to speak about foreign affairs than his father is a lawyer.

  3. StoneyCurtisll October 5th, 2014 at 15:26

    I’m old enough to remember when all we had was a 4 minute warning..,.

  4. StoneyCurtisll October 5th, 2014 at 15:26

    I’m old enough to remember when all we had was a 4 minute warning..,.

  5. StoneyCurtisll October 5th, 2014 at 15:59

    When I saw the “Brian Kolfage”, (never heard of him) gave an interview to “Son’s of Liberty” web site…
    I knew it was going to be a far right wing bull sh!t commentary piece full of pablum and mindless prattle…
    I am surprised it got this many comments..(if not for his dad chiming in).

  6. StoneyCurtisll October 5th, 2014 at 15:59

    When I saw the “Brian Kolfage”, (never heard of him) gave an interview to “Son’s of Liberty” web site…
    I knew it was going to be a far right wing bull sh!t commentary piece full of pablum and mindless prattle…
    I am surprised it got this many comments..(if not for his dad chiming in).

  7. Juan Doe October 8th, 2014 at 17:32


  8. Juan Doe October 8th, 2014 at 17:32


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