Media Fails To Report Why Toledo’s Water Is Contaminated

Posted by | August 4, 2014 18:16 | Filed under: Contributors Opinion Planet Politics Top Stories VegasJessie

Contaminated Water: A Result Of Fertilizer Runoff

The water is finally safe to drink, says the mayor of Toledo, Ohio, although some skepticism still remains.  “Residents of Toledo, its suburbs and small areas of southeastern Michigan began lining up for water Saturday after news of the contamination surfaced,”reported USA Today. Most media outlets have failed to mention what caused the exuberant toxic, algal blooms. They are reporting the effect, not the cause.

This is not merely a result of Mother Nature randomly throwing a fit and creating a mess of Cyanobacterial blooms.  The amount of phosphorus going into the lake has risen every year since the mid-1990s, and toxic algal blooms will increase as more toxic runoff from fertilizer changes the ecosystem.  Unless the runoff from big farming is curtailed, this problem will continue to grow.  Imagine if an area as large as Chicago or NYC suffers from contamination like this Lake Erie mess. The NOAA Great Lakes Center For Excellence says, 

The increased presence of nutrients such as phosphorous is largely due to poor farming practices such as high use of fertilizers and presence of livestock near water supplies, as well as effluent and run-off from towns and cities near waterways…Pesticides and other chemicals may affect the natural grazers which would otherwise control algal growth and their presence increases the risk of blooms.

Naturally, Republicans will ignore the harsh reality that the lack of regulations on disposal of waste from industrialized farming caused the crisis.  They will deny that climate change could also be bringing more intense spring rains, which would wash more agricultural runoff into Lake Erie.  Remember the West Virginia crisis? Somehow, Speaker Boehner blamed President Obama for not enforcing those pesky EPA regulations. In 2012, the St. Louis Beacon touched on the reality of the EPA vs. the GOP:

The GOP-controlled U.S. House – in particular, the Energy and Commerce Committee – has taken aim at EPA regulations. In the first year after Republicans gained a House majority in 2010, about 160 votes were held against various environmental protections, including more than 80 votes on amendments or bills targeting the EPA.

The View Of Algae From Above Lake Erie

True, environmental groups and water researchers have urged community leaders to cut down on the amount of fertilizer runoff into the shallowest of the Great Lakes.  But legislators in these Republican-controlled states have stopped short of mandating the restrictions leveled upon farmers.  As per usual, they know they are turning a blind eye to man-made pollution but will happily tell you it’s Mother Nature just acting crazy.  These folks push the fallacy that it’s impossible for man to destroy our planet.  What do you expect from evolution deniers?

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

16 responses to Media Fails To Report Why Toledo’s Water Is Contaminated

  1. Tommy6860 August 4th, 2014 at 18:32

    Yep, the science denying sect of our government can take much blame on this aside from the nasty farm waste run-off that is part of the cause. But here’s an assessment that compounds this as noted by researchers.

  2. Tommy6860 August 4th, 2014 at 18:32

    Yep, the science denying sect of our government can take much blame on this aside from the nasty farm waste run-off that is part of the cause. But here’s an assessment that compounds this as noted by researchers.

  3. edmeyer_able August 4th, 2014 at 18:48

    Al Jazeera did a piece on it around 4 pm EDT.

  4. edmeyer_able August 4th, 2014 at 18:48

    Al Jazeera did a piece on it around 4 pm EDT. We have an incidence of it in central NY today, thankfully not my water source.

  5. Obewon August 4th, 2014 at 20:25

    Nixon’s EPA vs today’s GOP denying climate change is bringing more intense spring rains, increasing the excessively used fertilizer runoff, as egged on by overflowing sewage effluent. Their scientists say they must reduce overflow by 40% today. They’re repeating their pre-EPA 1970’s pollution levels that then required 2/3 reductions that succeeded in cleaning Lake Erie. GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction.

    • mea_mark August 4th, 2014 at 20:33

      GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction.

      GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction.

      GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction. On and on it goes, until we are all dead.

  6. Obewon August 4th, 2014 at 20:25

    Nixon’s EPA vs today’s GOP denying climate change is bringing more intense spring rains, increasing the excessively used fertilizer runoff, as egged on by overflowing sewage effluent. Their scientists say they must reduce overflow by 40% today. They’re repeating their pre-EPA 1970’s pollution levels that then required 2/3 reductions that succeeded in cleaning Lake Erie. GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction.

    • mea_mark August 4th, 2014 at 20:33

      GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction.

      GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction.

      GOP pro-fetus zealots are actually pro-extinction. On and on it goes, until we are all dead.

  7. RioBravoHombre August 4th, 2014 at 20:50

    Corporations are people, my friends! And….some people deserve THE DEATH PENALTY!!!

  8. RioBravoHombre August 4th, 2014 at 20:50

    Corporations are people, my friends! And….some people deserve THE DEATH PENALTY!!!

  9. Carla Akins August 4th, 2014 at 21:55

    Sorry, they don’t have time for regulating drinking water. Kasich and his buddies are waaaaay to busy getting up in our lady parts. Priorities people, priorities.

  10. Carla Akins August 4th, 2014 at 21:55

    Sorry, they don’t have time for regulating drinking water. Kasich and his buddies are waaaaay to busy getting up in our lady parts. Priorities people, priorities.

  11. mmaynard119 August 4th, 2014 at 21:56

    I’m sorry, but that’s not correct. I have read various reports on what happened and how it was from the runoff from fertilizers and pesticides.

  12. mmaynard119 August 4th, 2014 at 21:56

    I’m sorry, but that’s not correct. I have read various reports on what happened and how it was from the runoff from fertilizers and pesticides.

  13. I_B_ME August 4th, 2014 at 23:24

    When mother nature slaps the human race it will be like a hammer hitting a pecan. It will be completely deserved.

  14. I_B_ME August 4th, 2014 at 23:24

    When mother nature slaps the human race it will be like a hammer hitting a pecan, and It will be completely deserved.

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