Stats Prove Stimulus Worked

Posted by | February 23, 2014 21:46 | Filed under: Economy Opinion Politics Top Stories

The New York Times lead Sunday editorial gives the stats that show the stimulus put into effect at the beginning of the Obama administration worked. It could have been bigger and better, but it worked. And those who have said and continue to say it hasn’t are categorically wrong.

“The ‘stimulus’ has turned out to be a classic case of big promises and big spending with little results,” wrote Speaker John Boehner. “Five years and hundreds of billions of dollars later, millions of families are still asking, ‘where are the jobs?’ ”

John Boehner and those who agree with this are wrong.

It created or saved an average of 1.6 million jobs a year for four years. (There are the jobs, Mr. Boehner.) It raised the nation’s economic output by 2 to 3 percent from 2009 to 2011. It prevented a significant increase in poverty — without it, 5.3 million additional people would have become poor in 2010.

And yet Republicans were successful in discrediting the very idea that federal spending can boost the economy and raise employment. They made the argument that the stimulus was a failure not just to ensure that Mr. Obama would get no credit for the recovery that did occur, but to justify their obstruction of all further attempts at stimulus.

So the American Jobs Act was killed, and so was the infrastructure bank and any number of other spending proposals that might have helped the country. The president’s plan to spend another $56 billion on job training, education and energy efficiency, to be unveiled in his budget next month, will almost certainly suffer a similar fate.

Among its accomplishments:

It improved 42,000 miles of road, fixed or replaced 2,700 bridges, and bought more than 12,000 transit vehicles. It cleaned up water supplies, created the school reforms of the Race to the Top program, and greatly expanded the use of renewable energy and broadband Internet service.

We’re still waiting for a credible Republican plan.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.