Canada’s Inuit Population Feel Heat Of Global Warming
Rush Limbaugh may not be convinced of climate change but Canadian researchers have found that the native Inuit population in Newfoundland are suffering greatly because of it. Because of the new challenges in their ability to travel along with the changing habits of wildlife and vegetation, the local populations are now feeling isolated and fearful. Researchers like Cunsolo Willox conducted interviews with 160 residents to measure their psychological adjustment to the new climate reality. The full results are published in the Inuit Mental Health Adaptation to Climate Change project and find that those in traditional communities now experience:
Click here for reuse options!… a sense of grief, mourning, anger, frustration, sadness, and many people said they also felt very depressed about not being able to get out there on the land… “In some cases, they’re getting less snow than before, which makes it very difficult to travel inland by Ski-Doo or by dog team … People describe themselves as land people, as people of the snow and the ice, and would say that going out on the land and hunting and trapping and fishing [is] just as much part of their life as breathing…
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