It’s Come to This: Personal Loans For Teachers To Buy Classroom Supplies
Once upon a time, American public schools were well-funded, or at least well-funded enough that basic classroom supplies were covered by the school budget. Today, more often than not, those expenses are coming out of the pockets of teachers. S,o it’s hard to find fault with Nevada’s Silver State Schools Credit Union for stepping up to address an obvious need. Still, this should make you shake your head:
And it’s not just Nevada, either.
In keeping with austerity, most states continued to spend less on education than before the recession. Teachers were increasingly reduced to begging for money to buy paper and pencils. One district in Pennsylvania – a state where funding cutbacks have been particularly ruthless – lacked supplies of pencils students needed to take the required state tests.
It’s called priorities, folks. Here’s hoping we get them straight one of these days.
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