Williams: GOP Deluding Itself On Spending

Posted by | October 28, 2013 09:12 | Filed under: Economy Opinion Politics

We already know that food stamps for millions of Americans will be reduced November 1. And Republicans are still fighting for more cuts to entitlements. And they are in denial about who won the last election. Juan Williams sums it up:

How could the GOP have missed the message of the last election? Somehow they are willing to bet one more time on cutting entitlements as the way to revive their political fortunes. They see the public responding positively to their work to reduce government spending.

“The survival of the automatic spending cuts gives Republicans the upper hand in confronting the White House and congressional Democrats on budget issues and new proposals by Mr. Obama that would involve new outlays, such as his plan for universal pre-K education,” Fred Barnes, my Fox News colleague, wrote last week in The Wall Street Journal. “For Republicans eager to corral federal spending — and that’s most of them — the sequester is a gift that keeps on giving.”

If the GOP thinks there is political leverage — the upper hand — to be found in going after seniors, people on food stamps and even defense spending with another round of across-the-board cuts, they might want to look at last year’s election results. And they should invite Sanders to give them his thoughts on big, profitable companies that pay no taxes.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.