Creationist: T-Rex A Vegetarian

Posted by | August 26, 2013 10:33 | Filed under: Top Stories

by Stuart Shapiro

Paul Taylor from Creation Today argues that Tyrannosaurus Rex did not eat meat.  Why do creationists care about what T-Rex ate?  Scientific American’s Steven Novella explains:

Why would creationists go through so much trouble trying to make the ridiculous argument that T. rex were herbivores? Well, when God created the earth, everything was a perfect paradise. Animals lived in harmony and only ate plants. Therefore all animals were created by God to eat plants. It is only after the fall of Adam and Eve that God cursed the earth and some animals starting eating other animals.

He also demolishes Taylor’s arguments (read the whole piece for the detailed explanation):

All of this information about the relationship between dentition and diet is readily available on the internet, but apparently Taylor did not see the need to avail himself of this information or consult with actual experts. He was content to spout dubious factoids that superficially seem to support his position.

Nope, T-Rex did not get to be “King of the Dinosaurs” on a spinach and broccoli diet.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Stuart Shapiro

Stuart is a professor and the Director of the Public Policy
program at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers
University. He teaches economics and cost-benefit analysis and studies
regulation in the United States at both the federal and state levels.
Prior to coming to Rutgers, Stuart worked for five years at the Office
of Management and Budget in Washington under Presidents Clinton and
George W. Bush.