Walsh: Everything we thought we knew about politics is wrong

Posted by | November 9, 2016 08:47 | Filed under: Opinion Politics

Joan Walsh in The Nation:

A white backlash against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and the racial and gender power shift they represented, has upended everything that progressives believe about the country. At this moment, it feels like everything we know about politics is wrong. With almost no ground game, trailing in every poll at the national level and in the crucial swing states, Trump won beyond anyone’s advance projections except his own. I’d call his projections delusional, except he turned out to be right. (The effect of FBI Director James Comey’s unconscionable intervention into the election 10 days out can not be measured.)

… The world represented by the Obama-Clinton coalition is still the country we are becoming; a Trump victory can only postpone it. But it hurts; to know we’re a nation where you can brag about grabbing a woman by her pussy, where you can mock a disabled reporter and deride a Gold Star family, where you can stiff your workers and lie about your wealth and never show your taxes, where you can trash every ethnic group and retweet anti-Semites and white supremacists, and still become president. In fact, we’ve now learned that it’s easier for a racist, sexist, chiseling, cheating demagogue to become president than a woman. That hurt. It also hurts to remember that the media put more time into talking about Clinton’s e-mail mistakes than about any other issue; books will be written about the media’s cultivation of Donald Trump over the next decade.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

6 responses to Walsh: Everything we thought we knew about politics is wrong

  1. anothertoothpick November 9th, 2016 at 08:52



    • Larry Schmitt November 9th, 2016 at 09:11

      He looks like he’s been eating a sh*t sandwich. I think we all look like that.

    • Mensa Member November 9th, 2016 at 10:06

      That was me, last night! Who took my photo?

  2. Mensa Member November 9th, 2016 at 10:05

    Those of us who participate in news chat rooms know exactly why this happened.

    (I don’t know why the polls got it so wrong. Even my trusted Nate Silver.)

    This is our generation’s version of the Civil War. Conservative white people would rather burn the country down than give up their status.

    They have voted against their own best interests for 30 years and now blame brown people and liberals for their stagnating lives.

    • Gary Parillo November 10th, 2016 at 00:47

      “They have voted against there own best interests for 30 years.” That’s a good point,and true.Why should it be anything but that once again.Only this time it may destroy us from within,and drag the rest of world along for the ride.

    • Red Eye Robot November 10th, 2016 at 16:04

      People in Ohio & Pennsylvania coal country were voting against their own best interest by voting against a candidate who promised to eliminate their jobs?

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