Clinton health care plan provides public option, Medicare at 55

Posted by | July 9, 2016 12:49 | Filed under: Good News Politics

Hillary Clinton’s just-released health care plan is designed to attract Sanders’ supporters.

In the proposal, Clinton pledged:

  • To give Americans in every state a “public option” health insurance plan
  • To let Americans as young as 55 years old opt in to Medicare
  • And to double funding for primary care services at community health centers

…the fact that she’s formally backing these progressive priorities at this moment — rather than pivoting to more centrist ideas as the general election contest approaches — is a testament to the influence of Bernie Sanders’s campaign. And it may be a prelude to an endorsement from Sanders as soon as next week.


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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

62 responses to Clinton health care plan provides public option, Medicare at 55

  1. Um Cara July 9th, 2016 at 13:04

    Thank you Bernie!

  2. anothertoothpick July 9th, 2016 at 13:10

    This time if we win back the house and Senate we have to get these laws passed fast.

    No more pandering and spoon feeding the righty’s and listening to them cry about “jamming bills down their throats”.

    No more wiping their noses and changing their depends

    100 progressive bills passed in 100 days.

    We have wasted far too much time on the righty’s.

    • Comicus July 9th, 2016 at 13:46

      Jam them down their throats. Jam them up their asses. Let them drown in a sea of their own tears.

  3. jybarz July 9th, 2016 at 13:35

    Now you see?……that’s what you get if you don’t just quickly drop down, roll over and play dead like what HillaryBots / HillaryBros impatiently want Bernie to do in a hurry!

    • oldfart July 9th, 2016 at 15:39

      Never give up, never surrender.
      Thanks again Senator Sanders.

  4. amersham1046 July 9th, 2016 at 21:09

    Bernie , the gift that keeps on giving

    • Ned Nutley July 9th, 2016 at 21:34

      He pushed Hillary more to the left and I like that!

  5. Ned Nutley July 9th, 2016 at 21:34

    Sounds good, I like it, and if we could afford republican wars that were not paid for then we can affore this health proposal!

  6. GuntherZ July 9th, 2016 at 21:57

    This is why we picked Hillary and not Sanders: she has the best policy proposals, not pie-in-the-sky and unicorns fairy dust BS.

    • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 10:14

      Say thank you to Bernie and stop being an ass

      • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 10:21

        That was always her plan.

        • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 10:30

          Hhahaha she said point blank that was never her plan and you know it.

          • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 10:38

            Clinton revives support for health care ‘public option’


            You can google back even further, (but you won’t).

            • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 12:16

              So Politico is now the go to publication after you told me I could not use it last week?

              I watched the debates, she said over and over that Obamacare was good enough and made fun of Bernie for wanting anything more. Tens of millions of people saw this

              • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 12:21

                She said “building on the ACA “, which is what FDR advocated for with Social Security.
                They “built on Social Security ” over 30 years.
                She is absolutely correct.
                But tell me, what happened to single payer in Vermont?

                • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 12:24

                  one of the Clinton Super delegates killed it, just like they will do if she is elected. She is a liar and a crook and so are all of her supporters.

                  • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 12:54

                    The House passed.
                    Why didn’t the leftier than thou crowd work to get better peole in Congress then, instead of turning Congress over to the GOP?And just like they would do if Bernie were president (then you can turn on him like you guys do with everyone who has to ACTUALLY govern, which always drives us more to the right.
                    But enjoy your hate and bitterness.

                    • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 13:32

                      Rigged elections… I don’t care what you and the other corporate democrats say.. our elections are neither free nor fair as matter of fact even the UN says the US elections are more corrupt than most 3rd world countries.

                      The corporations that rigged the elections have people like you to think for giving them cover and permission to loot all the assets of the country.

                    • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 13:43

                      It is ALWAYS a “rigged election” when you lose.
                      That’s why I say there are a lot of people who cherish defeat.
                      All the whining with none of the responsibility.

                    • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 16:10

                      No it is always a rigged election and has been for a long time… or I guess that think black people don’t have a right to vote in your elections since you are supporting the gutting of the voting rights act and corrupt voter ID laws and allowing the rich to buy elections etc.?

                    • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 16:40

                      Actually, the gutting of the voting rights act and corrupt voter ID laws is what happened when holier than thou lefties sat out the state elections and turned them over to the GOP and when Carter and Gore were called “Republican lite” and we got a far right wing Supreme Court.
                      As for money?
                      That’s why Hillary will nominate judges who will overturn Citizens United, which came about as opposition to Hillary.(look up Citizens United, Hillary and the c word).

                    • Candide Gunn July 11th, 2016 at 03:35

                      You can’t blame that on anyone but yourselves…you worship the corporate gods and honest, honorable people will not go along with your lies and deceit.

                      You keep quoting things that Bernie Sanders said first, policies that he ran on, policies that he has been advocating for 50 years or more and claiming that it was something Clinton came up with.

                      If you are so in love with all of Sanders’ positions why are you supporting that lying, traitorous, corporate war hawk?

                      I think you need to go back and watch the first debate…the one Debbie Wasserman Schultz picked the worst possible time to air so as to keep people from hearing just was a disaster Clinton is.

                    • OldLefty July 11th, 2016 at 09:29

                      I’m sorry, but you sound like the quintessential emo-prog;

                      Emo Progressive (or “emoprog”) is a self-described liberal or progressive, often with strong libertarian leanings, whose primary political orientation is to be angry, dissatisfied and unhappy with the state of the nation at any given time, because in their view, liberal policies are not being implemented quickly enough or articulated forcefully enough. They have particular contempt for Democratic presidents.

                      Emoprogs are ideological purists who disdain compromise and incremental change, which they see as “selling out” classical liberal ideas like full employment, an end to all wars, state secrets, and liberal social policy.

                      Emoprogs dislike Republicans but reserve their greatest disdain for Democratic presidents, whom they relentlessly attack for not meeting a set of ideological goal posts that are constantly adjusted to ensure that the president will be deemed a disappointment, “not progressive enough” or “just like a Republican” no matter what policy achievements are made.

                      Emoprogs routinely dismiss or ignore Congress’ role in making or impeding policy, believing presidents can simply “use the bully pulpit” and “fight” in order to overcome constitutional or legislative obstacles.

                      Emoprogs have a strong affinity for third party politics as a way to punish Democratic presidents. They are especially hostile to President Barack Obama and deem anyone who expresses a lack of ill will toward him to be “Obamabots” and enemies of liberalism.

                      That is why we say there are these people on the both fringes who actually relish defeat because it allows them to avoid the responsibility and mess that comes with actual governance.

                      As for;”If you are so in love with all of Sanders’ positions why are you supporting that lying, traitorous, corporate war hawk?”

                      #1) I don’t buy your characterization of Hillary (Don’t forget there are those who say the same about Bernie because he supports the drone program, AND it’s very easy to vote no when you are in the minority.)
                      #2) I think Hillary’s incremental approach will move us forward, while Bernie’s “revolution” approach will move us backwards, when he doesn’t get the votes he needs and HE becomes the new “sellout” for his supporters.

                      I know the whole Debbie Wasserman Schultz spiel.

                      Perhaps YOU need to go back and ask why Bernie did not appeal to people of color… in other words, people who can not afford the the luxury of purity nor a Trump presidency.

                    • Candide Gunn July 11th, 2016 at 21:00

                      Blah blah blah blah…talk about ego…you are the very definition of a narcissist and a party fanatic…you don’t care about anything but kissing corporate Hillary’s ass…you have it bad dude… you are in voluntary servitude and helping your corporate masters put their boot on your own neck…keep pushing the divinity of Hillary and her corporate masters while they take everything from you…even your dignity…I am embarrassed for you…really.

                    • OldLefty July 11th, 2016 at 22:39

                      Mrs Trump??

                      Is that you???

                      Thou dost project [the converse] too much, methinks.

                      YOU don’t seem to care about anything but your venomous hatred for this woman.

                      YOU are in servitude to your OWN desire to stand tall and preen about your political purity while believing that only YOU are above the dirty compromise that getting anything at all done brings.

                      There is a HUGE difference between being realistic about a candidate, defending them against right wing talking points, and pushing “divinity”.

                      I am hiring an employee for president, not choosing a spouse.

                      You sound like the 11 year old drama queen who when the parent says “No you can’t go to the college frat party.” responds with, “I HATE YOU!!! YOU JUST WANT TO RUIN MY LIFE!!!”

                      Get over yourself.

                      And by the way, I wouldn’t be embarrassed for ANYBODY else if I were you.

                      Oh, and it’s “dudette”.

                    • whatthe46 July 11th, 2016 at 23:05

                      well said.

                    • whatthe46 July 11th, 2016 at 23:05

                      are you a tRump fan?

                • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 12:30

                  Oh sorry it wasn’t you that sid Politico was a RWNJ publication it was Obewan


                  Candide Gunn

                  3 days ago

                  Funny how you most always cite debunked RWNJ sites e.g. “Politico”
                  and 25th of 27 tied for least accurate Rassmussen / Gallup pollsters.

                  Contributions to HRC as of 5/31/16:
                  Individual $204,674,127. Vs “$60 million raised.”-debunked.
                  PAC $1,259,656
                  Party $1,000 “88% was quickly transferred to the DNC.”-Politico debunked again!
                  Candidate $899,423
                  Federal Funds $0
                  Transfers-In $22,440,000
                  Disbursements $186,841,222
                  Cash On Hand $42,461,786

                  So which is it? I can never tell with you Clinton Toe Suckers… any publication that tells the truth is a lying RWNJ site and any that lie for the Clinton machine are award winners.

                  • Obewon July 10th, 2016 at 12:42

                    I am not OldLefty, not are my opinions hers either. Get it together!

                  • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 12:58

                    Funny as you repeat all the RWNJ talking points.
                    Fact is she was Always for the public option and you misquoted your own Time source.
                    If you don’t like the DNC, go to the local weekly meetings (as some people have done for decades) and change it from within.
                    I suspect many prefer passive whining ….. No real responsibility.

        • Um Cara July 10th, 2016 at 11:27

          It was always her plan to be forced to change her plan? Good plan!

          • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 11:43

            Clinton supported the public option in her 2008 presidential campaign, and during the drafting of the Affordable Care Act a year later, Congress debated allowing a government-run plan to compete with private insurer


            • Um Cara July 10th, 2016 at 13:30

              Ah, 2008. Yep, she was for it before she was against it.

              • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 13:46

                Many people are for whatever has a chance of getting through.
                You could say the same thing about FDR and Socila Security for domsestic workers.

                • Um Cara July 10th, 2016 at 13:56

                  I’ve got enough on my plate to worry about the next election, rather than going back to whether FDR went far enough or not. Just glad Bernie was able to push her left on this and other issues – she needed the shove as bad as Obama needed Biden to push Obama into moving past his anti same sex marriage bigotry.

                  • OldLefty July 10th, 2016 at 14:03

                    Point is, they said the same about FDR.
                    And no one has yet answered the question about what happened to single payer in Vermont?

                    And I think Obama was always for marriage equality, he just knows that the people let their representatives know when they are ready.
                    I think he knew exactly what he was doing.

                    • Um Cara July 10th, 2016 at 18:10

                      Point is, they said the same about FDR.

                      I’m a big Bernie fan, but even _I_ would never credit him for pulling FDR to the left, but if you are saying someone else did, then good for them! I’m a big fan of them too!

                      And I think Obama was always for marriage equality

                      No, he most definitely said he was against it – against his religion or something… don’t remember exactly (I do know it was at least partially because it was against his religious beliefs, I’m sure he had other reasons too though).

                    • OldLefty July 11th, 2016 at 09:13

                      That’s not at all what I implied.
                      Nobody pulled FDR to the left, his left flank simply called him a sellout.
                      My example; Social Security did not cover domestic workers or farm workers. Southern Democrats threatened to vote ‘No’ if domestic workers (mostly black) were included and Social Security would fail, so FDR compromised, got the bill through, to be expanded upon later, and was called a racist and a sellout by his critics from the left.
                      In regards to other things as well;
                      A day or two before the inauguration, Huey Long came to FDR advisor Raymond Moley’s room at the Mayflower, kicked the door open, chewed on an apple, and said “I don’t like you and your goddamned banker friends!”.
                      In May he denounced the administration on the ground that it was dominated by the same old clique of bankers who had controlled Hoover.
                      About the New Deal in general, Long said:
                      “Not a single thin dime of concentrated, bloated, pompous wealth massed in the hands of a few people has been raked down to relieve the masses.”
                      Earl Browder, the Secretary of the Communist Party during the Depression;
                      “Is not this trickery the hallmark of this Wall Street tool, this President who always stabs in the back while he embraces? How unctuous is his empty solicitude for the ragged, hungry children…with the ruthlessness of a devoted Wall Street lackey spending billions for war and profits and trampling on the faces of the poor.”

                      They always say, (insert name here) is no FDR, but I think that FDR was no FDR in his time either.

                      Mainly, my point is that it’s extremely rare to get any major changes through, and that 1) I believe that Bernie’s single payer is more likely to come about through incremental progress over a decade or two than through what Bernie promises, and that 2) Hillary advocated her healthcare plan before Bernie entered the race.

                      As to Obama and marriage equality; I think Obama ALWAYS was OK with it, I simply think he knew he could never get elected saying it.
                      That is my point about letting the people tell you when they are ready, (and nudging them incrementally) as he did.
                      Isn’t that how Bernie “evolved”?
                      Bernie Sanders Claims He’s a Longtime Champion of Marriage Equality. It’s Just Not True.

                    • Um Cara July 11th, 2016 at 09:26

                      As to Obama and marriage equality; I think Obama ALWAYS was OK with it

                      I’m not the world’s biggest Obama fan, but I don’t think he’s a liar. If he said he opposed same sex marriage because of his religious beliefs, or for other reasons he stated – I believe him. I’m glad he was open minded enough to be able to flip-flop on the issue (I’m very pro flip-flop when flipping and flopping toward freedom instead of away from it).

                      Hillary advocated her healthcare plan before Bernie entered the race.

                      Honestly, I don’t care who gets credit for taking the correct position on this. It seems to me that her position was changed to placate Bernie voters, it’s understandable that other folks might see it differently, and ultimately way less important than doing the right thing.

                      They always say, (insert name here) is no FDR, but I think that FDR was no FDR in his time either.

                      Well, you replied to me, not ‘they’. I just think Hillary is conservative, but malleable – she will go lib when she is led to it by folks who vote for her or who she thinks might vote for her (this is obviously a pretty common trait among politicians). If we libs sit back and say ‘We can’t try to move Hillary left because people criticized FDR, and he got some stuff done’ then I think we will continue to be one of the most conservative developed nations on the planet.

                    • OldLefty July 11th, 2016 at 09:39

                      I don’t think it has anything to do with being a liar.
                      I think it has to do with politics, and knowing what people can or can not accept. Nothing more.

                      One only has to have listened or read her plans over the last years.
                      From 2007;
                      Health Benefit Program (FEHBP). In addition to the broad array of private options that Americans can choose from, they will be offered the choice of a public plan option similar to Medicare.

                      “If we libs sit back and say ‘We can’t try to move Hillary left because people criticized FDR,..”

                      Nobody is saying that.
                      I am saying that the same ilk of ‘libs’ who admire FDR now and call Hillary a ‘corporate shill’ called FDR a ‘corporate shill’ in his day.
                      I am saying that it is the same mentality and that ultimately the “I could never vote for Hillary” crowd were the same as the “I could never vote for Carter” crowd and the “I could never vote for Gore” crowd, and that got us 8 years of Reagan and 8 years of Bush and a far right wing Court for 30 years.

                    • Um Cara July 11th, 2016 at 10:17

                      I think it has to do with politics, and knowing what people can or can not accept. Nothing more.

                      Well, the ‘nothing more’ is that he, himself explicitly stated that he didn’t accept it (in part because of his religious beliefs). The important thing now is that he is on the right side of things. I believe this is because his previous position became politically untenable (so yes, it has to do with politics) – I don’t think it would have become politically untenable if folks hadn’t been pretty ardent in their support for same sex marriage, and calling out folks like himself and Hillary who were opposed to it.

                      I am saying that the same ilk of ‘libs’ who admire FDR now and call Hillary a ‘corporate shill’ called FDR a ‘corporate shill’ in his day.

                      Ah, to state it more generally:

                      ‘Folks often disagree with how far politicians should go regarding legislation important to them, even if the politicians are going for small steps for political reasons rather than being opposed to the bigger steps for ideological reasons. Opposition sometimes uses aggressive language in expressing that disagreement, often even with politicians they respect for other reasons, or who they later come to respect and appreciate.’

                      If that’s all you are saying, then we definitely agree.

                      The whole ‘I could never vote for…’ thing is for a different discussion (I think) – certainly many of the folks grateful for Bernie’s influence on the platform (including me) absolutely plan to vote for Hillary.

                    • OldLefty July 11th, 2016 at 12:56

                      “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that’s not what America’s about.” – Nov. 2, 2008, while running for president, in an interview with MTV.
                      (Actually, I never believed him, (I don’t believe he’s religious, either) I think that’s just what the candidates, (and especially the black, Kenyan, Muslim who was gay married to a Pakistani (with allahu akbar on his wedding ring)

                      Basically, everything he did was to move in the direction of equality.

                    • Um Cara July 11th, 2016 at 14:08

                      (Actually, I never believed him, (I don’t believe he’s religious, either)

                      No other president has ever had his religious beliefs questioned by so many others. (I get that your questioning of his religious beliefs comes from a different place than the “Heze a Muslim terrorist who belongs to a Christian church I don’t like” folks)

                      I choose to believe him.

                      Basically, everything he did was to move in the direction of equality.

                      Totally agree.

        • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 12:23

          No it was NOT! this is from the first debate…..

          “Clinton said she wants to continue building on the Affordable Care
          Act, and that Sanders’ plan “would pose an incredible burden not just on
          the budget, but on individuals.”

          “If someone promises you something for free, read the fine print,”
          Clinton quipped, saying it was a favorite mantra of her late father.”

          She made fun of Bernie for even suggesting it now she is lying and saying it was her idea all along…you people have selective amnesia or the worst memories ever.

    • Um Cara July 10th, 2016 at 11:29

      not pie-in-the-sky and unicorns fairy dust BS.

      Fortunately the pendulum is swinging away from conservative nonsense like yours, and towards solid liberal policies like Bernie has been supporting and Hillary is moving towards.

    • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 12:20

      Clinton said she wants to continue building on the Affordable Care
      Act, and that Sanders’ plan “would pose an incredible burden not just on
      the budget, but on individuals.”

      “If someone promises you something for free, read the fine print,”
      Clinton quipped, saying it was a favorite mantra of her late father.

      That was from the first debate…so she IS nothing but a liar! and you are stupid enough to fall for it!

      • Obewon July 10th, 2016 at 12:36

        “Sanders: I’ll vote for Clinton”-July 24, 2016. Asked if he would vote for the former secretary of state, Sanders replied, “Yes,” adding: “I will do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump.”

        Too bad you lost 28 states, D.C. and all 6 territories by 3 M+ votes!

        • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 13:36

          Liar, you corporate democrat.. he said if the ONLY option was Clinton or Trump he would vote for her… the MSM that has you sheep so brainwashed spoon feeds you lies and you just lap it up. They have been telling the same lie for months and he keeps saying it is lies and distortions and that he is still in the race.

          You corporate democrats are only a hair better than republicans… no wonder only 28% of registered voters are democrats and only 26% are republicans…

          The rest of us know when we are being cheated and lied to.

          • Obewon July 10th, 2016 at 13:50

            Your debunked fantasies prove you need mental HC for delusional disorder psychosis. Exhibit A

            • Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 16:08

              Oh so your go to info is now HuffPo? LOL only in La La land was May “YEARS” ago… I don’t know what you are talking about but 2 months ago it was 28% and I haven’t seen any new ones since then… I think you are just delusional with your Love of Corporate sell out Hillary…the war hawk … hope you don’t have any kids of military age because Hillary can’t wait to get her hooks in them. They say love is blind, I guess deaf and dumb too.

              • Obewon July 10th, 2016 at 17:07

                All statistically accurate party ID polls debunked you as a self-projecting “liar”. The average includes an update of your old errant Gallup outlier.

                Here’s reality spanking your fantasies again.
                Exhibit A> Party ID polling averages as of July 7, 2016:
                Democrat 35.9%
                Republican 28.3% “28% of registered voters are democrats”-fantasy.
                Independent 31.5%

                • Candide Gunn July 11th, 2016 at 03:22

                  So your education came from HuffPo University and reality be damned? Got it. Corporate toe sucking wins out over freedom and democracy and nothing will ever sway you…is that right?

                  • Obewon July 11th, 2016 at 05:57

                    “Currently tracking 1,293 polls from 88 pollsters Updated 3 days ago”
                    From our founding in 2006, HuffPost (bought) Pollster (originally has aimed to report the results of every public poll that claims to provide a representative sample of the population or electorate.

                    • Candide Gunn July 11th, 2016 at 06:19

                      Your religious fervor in defending Clinton is disturbing but we should just agree to disagree… you are a corporate democrat and I am an Independent progressive so we will never agree on this…you keep worshiping Clinton in your own way and I will stop replying to your comments.

                    • Obewon July 11th, 2016 at 09:21

                      Good luck voting Trump: You don’t seem to realize 98.5% vote HRC vs Trump.

                    • Candide Gunn July 11th, 2016 at 21:03

                      You think you are insulting me with that Trump shit? No, you are showing just how scared and powerless you are…you are a coward …if you were a real man you would be out protesting the rigged elections that allowed Trump to dominate the republican ticket in the first place…but no…you just roll over and bear your belly to Clinton and her corporate masters.

                    • DrMichael July 13th, 2016 at 10:06

                      The last three poll results I saw had over 90% of Bernie Sanders supporters having pledged to never vote for the $hildabeast, and meaning to keep their word. Those are the polls I believe, because I am on over 70 support groups for Bernie, and I have seen what his supporters say on a daily basis. We are people of principle, we are accustomed to keeping our word, and the other half of the party cannot compute that. It is because we have actual values and principles that we cannot and will not compromise that there is such a deep division within the party, because half of us are reliable and honorable individuals, and the other half are corporatist Republicans, who would sell their soul 4 a meal.

        • DrMichael July 13th, 2016 at 10:00

          On it’s out of context. He said if he did not get the nomination he would most likely vote for her, and then he said other statements. So while he said them, the context was, only if he has absolutely no other choice, and he will have to watch his hands for a year to get out the blood.

    • Obewon July 10th, 2016 at 12:31

      True POTUS Obama44, Clinton42 and HRC45 are fiscally conservative in times of plenty. U.S. record $18.5 T 2015 GDP is 1/4 of global GDP and +$5 T from 2008.

      U.S. record 90% HC insured will rise further via HRC’s Medicare from age 55, $15 U.S. Min wage covering 60% today, 500 M first term solar panels, renewable energy smart tech jobs, etc.

    • DrMichael July 13th, 2016 at 10:02

      People who pick $Hillary pick their butt and eat it.

  7. Candide Gunn July 10th, 2016 at 10:14

    Thank you Bernie!

  8. DrMichael July 13th, 2016 at 10:01

    Lol, that’s Bernie’s healthcare plan, not $hilda’s, the same one she said would never happen under her! But it doesn’t even come close to his full plan, or getting everyone covered, or taking insurance companies out of it, which is what America wants and needs. Her baby steps aren’t good enough, and the only people stupid enough for her to fool are her few worshipping idiots. The rest of us know better.

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