KKK sees itself rising in the age of Trump
Donald Trump could me making the KKK great again.
Click here for reuse options!In a series of interviews with The Associated Press, Klan leaders said they feel that U.S. politics are going their way, as a nationalist, us-against-them mentality deepens across the nation. Stopping or limiting immigration — a desire of the Klan dating back to the 1920s — is more of a cause than ever. And leaders say membership has gone up at the twilight of President Barack Obama’s second term in office, though few would provide numbers.
Joining the Klan is as easy as filling out an online form — provided you’re white and Christian. Members can visit an online store to buy one of the Klan’s trademark white cotton robes for $145, though many splurge on the $165 satin version.
While the Klan has terrorized minorities during much of the last century, its leaders now present a public front that is more virulent than violent. Leaders from several different Klan groups all said they have rules against violence aside from self-defense, and even opponents agree the KKK has toned itself down after a string of members went to prison years after the fact for deadly arson attacks, beatings, bombings and shootings.
“While today’s Klan has still been involved in atrocities, there is no way it is as violent as the Klan of the ’60s,” said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an advocacy group that tracks activity by groups it considers extremist. “That does not mean it is some benign group that does not engage in political violence,” he added.
Copyright 2016 Liberaland
3 responses to KKK sees itself rising in the age of Trump
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mea_mark June 30th, 2016 at 13:45
Any and all groups that are centered around anger and want change will do good in the age of tRump. The people are mad, the system is broken. A good chunk of the population are tired of the rich getting richer while the poor stay poor in a rigged system and are going to take out their anger one way or another. Fix inequality or get used to the age of tRump.
bpollen June 30th, 2016 at 15:46
KKK is rising? Proof that crap floats.
Nightflyer June 30th, 2016 at 17:16
I wonder what they’ll do if Hillary wins the election, particularly in a massive stomping? Probably lynch some innocent people…