Because of 4-4 court, victory for unions since won’t rehear case
The deadlocked court created by the death of Antonin Scalia and the unwillingness of the Republican Senate to decide on Merrick Garland continues to have repercussions.
Click here for reuse options!The court on March 29 announced the deadlock, which left in place a lower court decision lets more than 20 states continue to require public-sector workers to pay union fees.
Rejecting a last-ditch call for a new hearing by California teachers opposed to the mandatory fees, the justices said Tuesday they wouldn’t revive the case and carry it over to the term that starts in October. That step could have let the court issue a ruling once a ninth justice is confirmed by the Senate.
Union critics had hoped the case would produce a watershed victory giving workers a First Amendment right to withhold fees.
Copyright 2016 Liberaland
3 responses to Because of 4-4 court, victory for unions since won’t rehear case
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The Original Just Me June 28th, 2016 at 16:32
Opps ! Maybe we should have approved that ninth Justice. He is middle of the road.
halfwayin June 28th, 2016 at 16:42
They can’t approved the ninth judge because they are bound and determined to make Obama a one term President. Remember?
The Original Just Me June 28th, 2016 at 16:47
President Obama will never serve beyond his second term. Turttle Head will see to that. :+)