Dobson: 100 years ago someone with ‘manhood’ would have shot transgenders in bathrooms

Posted by | May 31, 2016 14:59 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Religion

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson blames “king” Obama for reminding people about Title IX guidelines about discrimination and laments the way it would be been handled a hundred years ago.

“Obama, acting like a king, is wielding dictatorial powers never envisioned in the law. He is determined to change the way males and females relate to one another, and worse, how children perceive themselves. If you are a married man with any gumption, surely you will defend your wife’s privacy and security in restroom facilities. Would you remain passive after knowing that a strange-looking man, dressed like a woman, has been peering over toilet cubicles to watch your wife in a private moment? What should be done to the pervert who was using mirrors to watch women and girls in their stalls?”

Dobson is certain that he knows what men would have done in the past, and he urges today’s dads to do the same: Shoot them.

“If you are a dad, I pray you will protect your little girls from men who walk in unannounced, unzip their pants and urinate in front of them,” he said. “If this had happened 100 years ago, someone might have been shot. Where is today’s manhood? God help us!”


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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

51 responses to Dobson: 100 years ago someone with ‘manhood’ would have shot transgenders in bathrooms

  1. Larry Schmitt May 31st, 2016 at 15:20

    What are these people so afraid of? How are gays and trans people threatening them? Oh, I get it, the same way people of color threaten them. I suppose.

    • clemans May 31st, 2016 at 17:42

      it is all in their head……I think they are afraid of what they see as their own inner demons…..or…..maybe they are just worried somebody will have fun somewhere and they won’t get to control it or prevent it from happening.

      • Annasammons1 June 1st, 2016 at 02:21

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  2. Larry Schmitt May 31st, 2016 at 15:22

    “…men who walk in unannounced, unzip their pants and urinate in front of them,”
    Except you can’t find a single case where that has happened. Ever. You make things up for people to fear.

    • whatthe46 May 31st, 2016 at 16:02

      He probably hangs out at the stalls. Damn pervert.

    • clemans May 31st, 2016 at 17:37

      women’s restrooms have individual stalls in them. The walls are most often partitioned and there are frequently gaps between one wall and another.

      Transgender men are not going to go into a stall with me and unzip their pants and urinate in front of me……but straight perverts might peek between the particians. And that can very easily happen.

      In my opinion, the type of men most likely to be perverts…..are people like this guy who advises people to become murderers and possibly end up in prison. It hasn’t occurred to him that some idiot might take him up on his advice, might murder some women they think are males, and then end up in prison, leaving some poor kids without their fathers……then the kids would be “takers” and this guy would be off on rants about welfare.

      • Larry Schmitt May 31st, 2016 at 18:10

        Exactly. The trans people are too busy trying to have a normal life. They get accused of being a pervert just by existing. It’s the so-called “normal” “straight” people that turn out to be the stalkers in public bathrooms.

    • granpa.usthai May 31st, 2016 at 18:04

      maybe this is his way of saying he got caught, but now, thank the lord, they didn’t know WTF he was?

      pays to play in different towns where you’re not so well known.

  3. bpollen May 31st, 2016 at 15:55

    100 years ago, a two-holer outhouse was about as close to modern public bathrooms as you could get. And a man following someone wearing a dress into an outhouse wasn’t on a quest to see if it was a woman or not.

    • dewired4u May 31st, 2016 at 16:19

      In the mining towns out west there weren’t any women so men would dress up in drag and dance with the miners, hey honey wana go up to my room.

      • bpollen June 1st, 2016 at 03:16

        And we have all (OK, the older ones here) have seen the WWII musical numbers in the movies where the sailors or soldiers or whatever would dress up as women. And if their gender confused you, we need to have a long talk…ヅ

  4. William May 31st, 2016 at 16:09

    One hundred years ago these “evangelists” would have been hanging from a tree.

  5. dewired4u May 31st, 2016 at 16:13

    100 years ago they were lynching, selling, raping and beating blacks, exterminating Indians you could beat your wife, hell ya those were the good old days.

  6. Warman1138 May 31st, 2016 at 16:41

    Here’s another lying, racist, freaking hater blaming the president, feels like Monday.

  7. amersham46 May 31st, 2016 at 16:52

    And 100 years ago you would have been considered a raving lunatic, and treated by the methods of the time

    • clemans May 31st, 2016 at 17:29

      I am a liberal who opposes transgenders being in the same bathroom at the same time as me or any of my female family members. Not because I have any fear of transgenders, but because I have real fear of straight men who are perverts who would use this chance to peer through the spaces between the particians.

      I don’t know how this man would have been viewed 100 yrs ago, but in 2016, if he says this and someone takes his advice and shoots someone, I hope the lawyers use his words against him and hold him legally responsible for inciting people to commit murder.

      We have already had cases where women with short hair have been accused of being a man and being assaulted by straight men because in their opinion they were really a man. Somebody is going to get hurt or worse. And it will be people like him who are to blame for it.

      It is NOT family values to encourage others to take the law into their hands and bypass justice. This is the man the world needs protecting from.

      And I am really sorry that any transgender person has to hear this kind of crap and feel any sense of fear. This man is disgusting….on so many levels.

      • Richard Banville May 31st, 2016 at 20:17

        “I am a liberal who opposes transgenders being in the same bathroom at the same time as me or any of my female family members.”

        I have news for you: you are not a liberal in any meaningful sense of the word.

        Where are transgender women supposed to go to the bathroom, then, Ms. “liberal”? Attitudes like yours contribute to the violence that you pretend to decry. Women have nothing to fear from transgender women. Transgender women are among the most vulnerable members of society and are often the target of bigoted violence.

        Women and transgender women are natural allies and should fight misogyny and sex-based bigotry, as well as sexual violence from heterosexist perverts.

        • clemans May 31st, 2016 at 22:54

          Richard, I don’t know what to say about your post. It is not in response to what I posted as it looks to me that you saw what you wanted and not what I actually wrote.

          If you can carefully read what I wrote and can respond to that, maybe we can talk.I can tell you this, you may define me in anyway that you want. It matters not to me, as I define myself and it is unlikely that I will see myself as anything other than a liberal. I am not obligated to change who I am because it doesn’t agree with how someone else views me. And as your judgment is based on points I wasn’t making, it really isn’t a problem. But I do agree that both groups have more to fear from straight men…..which is what I said to begin with.

        • whatthe46 May 31st, 2016 at 23:20

          agreed. but hey, they trust the priest but don’t trust a transgender person who’s never been involved in an incident such as what they are told to be afraid of. altar boy my butt, no pun intended.

          • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 03:01

            I am an atheist, I think religion is for batshit crazy people who can’t think for themselves. I also think that some liberals ought not work so hard to be as uncaring and unthinking as conservatives can be. It should be more difficult for any liberal to post comments like that and twist words in a post claiming they represent things they do not. Think bigger. Read the words, don’t do like conservative trolls and read words and thoughts that are not there to begin with.. And try not to jump on any bandwagon, it might be going in the wrong direction.

            As a female, I can’t even number the people I know from cancelling who were raped or abused. One of my friends was brutally raped just short of reaching her retirement at work. Because of the rape, she was unable to work, and just months short of getting her 20 yrs in, she lost everything and wa left with piles of medical bills after losing her insurance coverage. She has suffered enough. If she was in the restroom and suddenly found someone who clearly looked male in there she would be traumatized all over again. It took years before she would leave her home on her own. This isn’t about causing harm to someone transgender, it is about protecting rape victims and people who were molested.

            There has to be other solutions and a nation with as many people as we have ought to come up with something to protect everyone.

            You can keep your priest, that is YOUR issue and fabrication, not mine.

            • whatthe46 June 1st, 2016 at 03:12

              “I also think that some liberals ought not work so hard to be as uncaring and unthinking as conservatives can be.” read that line 1000 times, and never speak to me again.

              • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 03:35

                maybe you need to go back to the school yard. It should be very easy for you to bully people there, and as thin skinned as you seem to be, maybe forums are not the right fit for you. If you post on an open forum, anybody and everybody is free to respond. If you can’t handle somebody standing up for what they believe in and for having a different opinion than yours, this world just might not be the place you need to be.

                Maybe try looking up critical thinking skills online and reading about how to use them. Maybe go read comments made by Trump and try not to act so much like him. Obama gave us a great example of people being strong, able to handle people who feel differently then they do, people self-confident, calm,…….Trump gives us rants much like yours. And that is a pity because on many issues we have agreed on. And you did not have to pick this path.

                I made some posts that were calmly made, reasoned, and made no attempt to cause harm to anybody except the man calling for the murder of innocent lives. Instead of meeting me with the same, you gave me Trump. And there was no reason for you to have acted this way.

            • whatthe46 June 1st, 2016 at 03:14

              you are a bat guano atheist!

              • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 03:40

                and you are thin skinned with orange hair, tan colored eyes, and have antennae coming out where your ears should be and have three legs.

                Anybody can make silly claims that can’t be proven or substantiated.

                Really, try some critical thinking skills, we have an election to worry about in the fall. Liberals need all of the help they can get in order to win the election. This is not how adults should be acting.

            • Bunya June 1st, 2016 at 16:50

              A male who looks like a female will use the female restroom. Since the stalls have doors on them, your friend will not be “traumatized” if she doesn’t climb up on the toilet seat to see who’s peeing in the stall next to her. BTW, there are hermaphrodites out there. What are you going to do about them?
              3) The child-raping priests is no fabrication. It actually happened. And after that scandal, it still shocks me that people continue to send their kids to Catholic school, subjecting them to molestation, but become outraged at someone’s peeing habits. Absurd.

              • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 17:50

                I suppose it seems so to someone who wasn’t raped and beaten till near death who spent a great long time too frightened to even go to the mailbox to get your mail…..yes, to people who haven’t experienced that kind of violence and invasion, I am sure it is easy to just dismiss the feelings of people who had different experiences than you.

                But somehow, conservatives want to abuse children and rape victims in one way and some liberals in yet other ways, overall Americans just don’t value children, women, or victims very much at all.

                And most of the walls in a ladies room have about an inch of open space, it is very easy to see inside the stall if that is what a pervert wants to do.

                • Bunya June 2nd, 2016 at 10:45

                  Do you think a rapist wouldn’t break into her house to rape her? Open your eyes! That’s the most common location rape occurs – not in some crowded restroom. If your friend is so afraid some guy is going to rape her in a public restroom, maybe she shouldn’t use them. But to say transgenders shouldn’t use certain bathrooms because your friend has a problem with them, is absurd.

                  • clemans June 2nd, 2016 at 12:32

                    you have no idea what you are talking about and I am not going to try to teach you to have compassion for traumatized women and children. You either have empathy or not, often people lacking empathy are sociopaths.

                    And if you think my friend is the only women who has been raped, you much live in fantasy land.

                    • Bunya June 2nd, 2016 at 14:43

                      I think it’s more like you don’t like transgenders and don’t want them using public restrooms. Well then, I suggest you don’t let any into your house to use your bathroom, but public restrooms are open to everyone, regardless of color, religious beliefs or any other bigoted reason you have to deny them access to a much needed facility.
                      And I don’t think your friend was the only person raped. As a matter of fact, I KNOW your friend wasn’t the only person raped, but most rapes are committed by straight, Christian men in houses, fields, alleys and at bus stops. Also, if you want to blame somebody for your friend’s unfortunate experience, blame the rapist and leave the transgenders alone.

              • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 17:56

                and I am outraged about the Catholic church protecting child molesters they way it has done for decades. Currently the church is trying to interfere in our government by fighting extending the time frame for victims to bring charges.

                Also, it is in your imagination that this has to do with wanting to watch someone peeing habits, and indication that you have no clue the finer points to this issue. Maybe you should excuse yourself from the debate until you know more about this issue. If this is about peeing habits to you, you are totally clueless and may be a male

                • Bunya June 2nd, 2016 at 11:01

                  And here you are, complaining that transgenders are getting the same respect given to bigots like Clemans. And for you to suggest they might be rapists waiting to scout restrooms for little girls, is preposterous. Maybe you should find another site more in tune with your mindset – like Glenn Beck’s site.

                  • clemans June 2nd, 2016 at 12:40

                    you are one of the most ignorant, immature people I have come across who wasn’t clearly a troll….and I am wondering if you really are a troll trying to make liberals look stupid. This is an open forum, and you can post what ever idiotic thing you want o, you can refuse to read the words in my posts, you can continue living in some fantasy land in your imagination, I don’t care that is up to you. I am not reading anymore of your lunacy on this subject.

                    For the women in your world, I hope you never are forced to find out about the depth of fear a child can feel or a women who has been raped. But I hope you learn to put your figures away and stop trying to add salt into the wounds of women and children who have already had to endure enough trauma without unfeeling people like you trying to insult them more and tell them their pain doesn’t matter because opposing conservatives is more important them they are.

                    good luck to you, your heart needs it.

                    • Bunya June 2nd, 2016 at 14:48

                      Good. Leave. We have no room for bigots like you. And before you accuse others of being immature and ignorant, maybe look in the mirror first. I’m not the one trying to deny innocent people of using public restrooms.

      • whatthe46 May 31st, 2016 at 23:17

        you’ve likely sat next to a transgendered woman in the theatres, on a plane ride and was in the same restroom as her, and yet, for decades they have been around and NOT ONE INCIDENT has been noted that an assault on a woman or child have ever taken place. furthermore, no transgendered person goes through the hell and high water they go through, just to be able attend a ladies room to commit a crime against anyone. you, your female family members and female friends, are not and have not been in jeopardy. all of a sudden the RWNJ’s has thrown yet another hot pile of sh!t at the scared little paranoid people and you jump on board. if you think they should all use the restroom because of their birth gender, then these people are screwed. you see each are transgendered.

        don’t you think that if straight men needed a reason to go into a ladies room only to assault them, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN STORIES OF IT before this non-issue?

        • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 02:46

          I have someone on a forum who I care very much about who is a transgender person..

          What I know for sure is that a pervert will use any and all opportunities to get their feet into a door. That is a fact, and for the millions of women who have been raped or molested, I do not see how it is right to overlook their feelings, or why one set of victims outweighs their right to not have someone who looks like a man be in their restroom, frightening them half yo death. It is not right to tell any of us to just suck up the fear, we don’t matter. We didn’t ask for any of this.

          If someone looks like the gender assigned to the restroom, nobody would know, or probably care. As I have tried to say over and over again, it is not the transgender person I fear…..although it is not good enough to say one has never been caught doing anything inappropriate in the restroom so therefore it has to be safe……it doesn’t have to be, every group will have someone who could be a pervert. I don’t see that they would have a higher number, but in counselling, I found people from all walks of life were represented in the pervert category.

          It isn’t using critical thinking skills to suggest because WE DON’T KNOW OF ANY cases that there haven’t been any or that they will never be a case.

          It is conservatives who blame the victims, that isn’t supposed to be what liberals do, and yet on this issue countless ones are willing to throw rape victims and children who have been molested under the bus.I have no plans to be a victim again. And what I get from this is a lot of liberals jumping on the bus to be opposite of someone on the right just to be opposite without thinking of the impact to other victims.

          I don’t want transgender people to have to share the restroom with the same people who could torment them as much as they do rape victims. All I want is another solution that doesn’t add salt into any wounds that a rape victim is already suffering from.

          Again, people who do not look like a man dressed as a woman are not going to be noticed, but what is being pushed for is anybody who thinks as another gender no matter how they are dressed or what they look like can go to the bathroom of their choice. That is possible trauma for a rape victim. And that is not right to add to that. We need to come up with other options

          • whatthe46 June 1st, 2016 at 03:10

            “…why one set of victims outweighs their right to not have someone who
            looks like a man be in their restroom, frightening them half yo death.” who looks like a man going into a ladies restroom? and transgender persons have been GOING TO THE DAMN RESTROOM for decades and NEVER harmed anyone. so why now all of a sudden you think that it would happen?

            “…but what is being pushed for is anybody who thinks as another gender no
            matter how they are dressed or what they look like can go to the
            bathroom of their choice.” that’s b.s. there are drag queens, and transvestites who don’t see themselves as women and they don’t go into the ladies room. Rue Paul is a drag queen and you won’t find him in a ladies room. transgender person believe themselves to be who they should have been at birth. so a transgendered woman is not thinking about another female.

            “We need to come up with other options.” you need to blame the repukes and the nut job phony ass “christians” for making you one paranoid person. you fit right in with the RWNJ’s. it’s already difficult enough for teens who are gay or lesbian, now you want to throw more shame their way by creating a restroom for “those” people. one thing for certain is, you are not black, hispanic or a minority period. otherwise, you wouldn’t be spewing such ignorance.

            • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 03:25

              you are the one who is acting like a bully and like a conservative troll. From my posts it is clear that I am not doing what seems to be so important for you to make it seem. You are as cold and as compassionless, quick to jump to the wrong conclusions as any troll we have here.

              But if I say one thing and you claim I said another we don’t have anything to say to each other on this subject. We will just have to hope for another day and another issue.

              I am not changing my mind or what I have said in my posts on this subject. I hope some day you will actually read what I have written and stop the hyperbole. We have too little critical thinking going on as it is we can’t solve any problems without people being able to come together and solve things together.

  8. granpa.usthai May 31st, 2016 at 18:00

    “where is today’s manhood?”

    gee, that’s an odd question, but:

    (this is just a tremendous suggestion as I’ve not been looking around for today’s manhood lately like SOME perverts are hinting that they do)


    on a European Vacation with a baggage boy?

  9. Suzanne McFly May 31st, 2016 at 18:28

    I love how all the sudden these types act like they are so concerned about women and our privacy.

    • Mensa Member May 31st, 2016 at 21:31

      How many times have you had a problem with trans-women in your bathroom?

      • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 03:07

        trans-women aren’t the problem, perverts of any kind are. And just being transgendered doesn’t mean one is a pervert, but it doesn’t mean that none are.

        Honestly, there is no way that you or anybody else here knows about every single case of sexual abuse of every variety that has ever happened since we had bathrooms. That isn’t even logical and it isn’t a good argument in defense of letting everyone pick which bathroom they want to use.

        It isn’t enough to oppose something just because a conservative says it. Perverts WILL try to use this as an excuse to get that close to women and children. All they would ahve to say is today I feel like I am a women, and nobody would be able to tell the difference.

        We ought to be able to come up with other ways to handle this…

        • whatthe46 June 1st, 2016 at 03:11

          “…perverts of any kind are.” and yet, “christians” still attend the catholic church. and the duggars are still digging. hypocritical and bigots are what people like you are.

        • Bunya June 1st, 2016 at 17:01

          Do you walk down the street? Do you visit a grocery store? How about a movie theater? A ballpark? A church?
          Aren’t you afraid someone might rape you? Your chances of getting raped in a restroom are pretty remote.
          It seems to me you’re trying to justify your hatred by creating evil acts that might be perpetrated by transgenders. Not good.

          • clemans June 1st, 2016 at 18:12

            it seems to me that you have a serious problem with reading comprehension and may need a remedial course to play catch up. Get yourself a good dictionary and look up each word in one of my posts find any words that I have posted that supports your claim that hatred is motivating my comments. And save the hyperbole, it makes your post look childish and more like something from a conservative troll. And that silliness has nothing in the least to do with anything I have said.

            I am responsible for what I say, not for the delusions that exist in your imagination.

            But here is some hate ….I HATE it when adults can’t use critical thinking skills when making posts. I raised my kids, I come here for adult conversations or friendly ones not to hear about peeing habits, walking down streets and the other insignificant bits of your rant.

            Gosh overall Americans are a really seriously stupid lot….we just might deserve Donald Trump.

            • Bunya June 2nd, 2016 at 10:51

              Did you raise your kids to be afraid of transgenders in the men’s/ladies room? Don’t forget, gays use the restrooms, too. How can you be sure you won’t be jumped by one while peeing?
              No, I have you pegged right. Like religious fanatics hate gay people, you hate transgenders. I get it. If you don’t like them, avoid them. But don’t suggest they don’t deserve the same rights as everybody else.

      • Suzanne McFly June 1st, 2016 at 07:18


  10. Foundryman May 31st, 2016 at 20:39

    35 years ago people with manhood would have seen expanding equal rights, moving forward to a more civil society and being more tolerant to those we are different from would be seen as a good thing.
    Then along came the religious right nuts and moved us back a hundred years.

  11. Mensa Member May 31st, 2016 at 21:30

    I’m an Evangelical Christian, so I’ve been aware of Dobson for decades. I have heard literally hundreds of hours of his teachings

    The guy definitely has a creepy side.

    Consider his “cure” for son who is showing gay tendencies:

    >> He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are
    decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He
    can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to
    pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even
    take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but
    notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.

    -James Dobson

  12. Kick Frenzy May 31st, 2016 at 23:44

    Dear Mr. Dobson,

    You are no Christian.
    You are cruel and are an agent of harm.
    Please do humanity a favor and stop.


  13. Snick1946 June 1st, 2016 at 10:46

    Mr ‘Focus on the Family’ needs to go focus on his OWN damn family.

    Or at least go focus.

  14. Charlie Seivard June 2nd, 2016 at 07:42

    He is a fraud to claim to be a Christian.

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