Not a believer but Trump does seem to be a gift from some sort of higher power.
Honest Abe was known as the Rail Splitter, Trump is going to be known as the Red Splitter. (smile)
Bush/Cheney crashed the Stock Market and nearly destroyed the banks, but Obama fixed all that and today the DOW closed up, triple digits…more than 10k points higher than when idiot republicans ruled…
Thanks Obama…oh yea…and what has Trump done for you lately…???
My two sons have not had to deploy to any new wars, or be separated from their families since the day Bush left office…Thanks Obama…!!!!
(OK 1 got out but the other stayed in till 13)
And Trump did what for you again…???
1.Obama bent over to republicans so much dems didnt come out to vote{ SEE Obama=Romneycare + Mass where Ted Kennedy’ safe seat went to centerfold model hot pants wearing republican Scott Brown.{we wanted single payer and got the Republican plan since Nixon.}
2. Most Americans have an IQ about 80 and those are the bright ones.
The vets ‘abandoned’ by Obama? Really Huckster? And exactly what the hell would you know about it? Given that your Repuglican Arm Chair Warriors consistently start wars for profit with other people’s sons & daughters, and then block any and all meaningful legislation for vet benefits including jobs, training, and health, I would suggest you do as one of your crooked bully cohorts once demanded of a constituent, and sit down and shut up!
maybe the bottom of the barrel sees more clearly- it’s hard for the rest of the world to believe that a pile of yellow hair and a bimbo will ever have the white house doors open to them.
Red Eye Robot January 28th, 2016 at 17:49
Trump hasn’t even been elected and he has coattails, Obama has been president 7 years and his coattails have proved non existent.
FatRat January 28th, 2016 at 18:01
Trump marches to the beat a different drummer as do a great many of his fanatical followers.
bpollen January 29th, 2016 at 04:14
Trump + Strokes. I like it, but it’s missing something. What could it be?
How about Trump + Strokes + still winning the Republican Nomination!
You’re a Genius, F’Rat!
FatRat January 29th, 2016 at 10:56
Thank you for the compliment! Just don’t look to closely behind the curtain. lol
Not a believer but Trump does seem to be a gift from some sort of higher power.
Honest Abe was known as the Rail Splitter, Trump is going to be known as the Red Splitter. (smile)
Mike January 28th, 2016 at 19:05
I paid $1.85 for gas this morning…Thanks Obama !!!
Tell me, what has Trump done for you lately…OK, ever…???
Mike January 28th, 2016 at 19:07
My house is worth 3 times what it was the day Bush left office…Thanks Obama !!!
Tell us, what has Trump done for you…???
Mike January 28th, 2016 at 19:15
Bush/Cheney crashed the Stock Market and nearly destroyed the banks, but Obama fixed all that and today the DOW closed up, triple digits…more than 10k points higher than when idiot republicans ruled…
Thanks Obama…oh yea…and what has Trump done for you lately…???
Mike January 28th, 2016 at 19:21
My two sons have not had to deploy to any new wars, or be separated from their families since the day Bush left office…Thanks Obama…!!!!
(OK 1 got out but the other stayed in till 13)
And Trump did what for you again…???
Red Eye Robot January 29th, 2016 at 18:36
So why couldn’t obamas performance keep Democrats in power?
truthynesslover January 29th, 2016 at 20:47
1.Obama bent over to republicans so much dems didnt come out to vote{ SEE Obama=Romneycare + Mass where Ted Kennedy’ safe seat went to centerfold model hot pants wearing republican Scott Brown.{we wanted single payer and got the Republican plan since Nixon.}
2. Most Americans have an IQ about 80 and those are the bright ones.
Mike January 30th, 2016 at 10:12
Not to worry, gerrymandering republicans are on their way out and nothing can save them
rg9rts January 29th, 2016 at 01:10
HEY GARY!!!!!!!!! HOW’S IT HANGIN???????
bpollen January 29th, 2016 at 04:14
Apparently you’ve never looked at his coat. Can’t get past the color inside it?
fahvel January 29th, 2016 at 12:58
incredible -every time you appear from your nowhere you say something that makes the bottom of the trash barrel characters look almost appealing.
robert January 28th, 2016 at 19:08
((((((( DING ))))))) (((((((( DING )))))))
alpacadaddy January 28th, 2016 at 22:45
The vets ‘abandoned’ by Obama? Really Huckster? And exactly what the hell would you know about it? Given that your Repuglican Arm Chair Warriors consistently start wars for profit with other people’s sons & daughters, and then block any and all meaningful legislation for vet benefits including jobs, training, and health, I would suggest you do as one of your crooked bully cohorts once demanded of a constituent, and sit down and shut up!
rg9rts January 29th, 2016 at 01:16
They have nothing else to hang on to
fahvel January 29th, 2016 at 12:57
maybe the bottom of the barrel sees more clearly- it’s hard for the rest of the world to believe that a pile of yellow hair and a bimbo will ever have the white house doors open to them.