CNN Host Destroys Trump’s Claim That Hillary Is Playing ‘The Woman Card’

Posted by | December 28, 2015 12:21 | Filed under: Andrew Bradford Contributors Opinion Politics

In recent weeks, current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has begun complaining–even whining–that Hillary Clinton is playing “the woman card” because she has talked about sexism in America while she campaigns for the Democratic nomination. Trump even said over the weekend that he had the right to attack former President Bill Clinton due to the fact that Hillary was “mentioning sexism.”

On Monday, during a discussion on CNN, Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord told host Michaela Pereira that some women had been “bullied by Hillary,” and added:

So yes, in fact, the issue is really Hillary Clinton and her treatment of women….READ MORE at LiberalAmerica

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By: Andrew Bradford

Andrew Bradford is an author, academic, and political activist who lives in Atlanta. He is a Senior Writer for Liberal America and also has his own blog at

6 responses to CNN Host Destroys Trump’s Claim That Hillary Is Playing ‘The Woman Card’

  1. William December 28th, 2015 at 14:17

    …..even whining–that Hillary Clinton is playing “the woman card” because she has talked about sexism in America ……
    Says the candidate who publically discussed a moderators menstrual cycle and used the word “shlong” when referring to another candidate.

    • mistlesuede December 29th, 2015 at 11:29

      Just lost my appetite for lunch. ;)

      • Alan March 7th, 2016 at 04:12

        Lost your appetite? Is that because you prefer a woman’s chest to a mans chest? My 103 yr. old mom is a puritan & feels like you do, but I think it’s a brainwashing sickness that is sexist & degrading to all of human kind. I bet it’s attitudes like yours to fuels Trump popularity! Thanks a lot…for nothing! Chill out with your man-alienated friends who are fighting a lop-sided war between the sexes. What a bunch of nastiness this this political cycle has brought out. But just wait if Hillary is president! I think the hatred that Obama has gotten will seem like no big deal in comparison.

        • mistlesuede March 7th, 2016 at 09:33

          Why are you replying to me on a thread that is two months old? Not only are you late, but your comment is just stupid. It in no way has anything to do with what I was commenting on in the thread, a gross photo.
          Buzz off a-hole.

  2. maggie December 28th, 2015 at 17:49

    posters and people who claim she’s playing the gender card are misogynists…pure and simple….she was born a woman but that has nothing to do with the fact that by self determination and resulting appreciation of voters of her hard work that she’s going to be our next prez…

  3. rg9rts December 29th, 2015 at 03:57

    Like Obama played the race card Huh Lord??

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