Bachmann: Convert As Many Jews As Possible Because Christ Is Coming Soon

Posted by | November 6, 2015 20:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Religion

Michele Bachmann must know when Jesus is coming back, because she says it’s important that Jews convert quickly.

“Almost every article in the paper” has to do with conflicts in Israel, Bachmann said, “and it ties with so much biblical prophecy. This week really was about biblical prophecy in many ways. And we’re seeing as events are speeding up, events are speeding up so quickly right now, and we see how relevant the Bible is, and we’re reading our newspaper, at the same time we’re learning about these biblical events, and it’s literally day by day by day, we’re seeing the fulfillment of scripture right in front of our eyes, even while we’re on the ground.”

“We recognize the shortness of the hour,” she said, “and that’s why we as a remnant want to be faithful in these days and do what it is that the Holy Spirit is speaking to each one of us, to be faithful in the Kingdom and to help bring in as many as we can — even among the Jews — share Jesus Christ with everyone that we possibly can because, again, He’s coming soon.”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

40 responses to Bachmann: Convert As Many Jews As Possible Because Christ Is Coming Soon

  1. Guy Lauten November 6th, 2015 at 20:09

    Hey Mikki, since you speak with such assurance, answer me this one question:
    How soon is “soon”. Be specific, please. I have plans for the weekend.

  2. labman57 November 6th, 2015 at 20:26

    Hey Michele,
    Since the “end of times” is just around the corner, you won’t be needing your real estate holdings, retirement savings, stocks and bonds, etc. So I will gladly take them o! your hands.

    Drop me an email and we can work out the details.

  3. whatthe46 November 6th, 2015 at 21:26

    this shit is why i don’t do drugs.

  4. Larry Schmitt November 6th, 2015 at 20:30

    What rock did she crawl out from under? Give us a date, honey, so we know when you’re wrong. Saying “he’s coming soon” isn’t good enough. If you’re gonna predict the rapture, you gotta be specific.

    • The Original Just Me November 6th, 2015 at 22:44

      You have to sell all of you holdings at fire sale prices, buy lots of beer and party hardy this weekend. the end is NEAR.

  5. Larry Schmitt November 6th, 2015 at 20:31

    She must be getting jealous of the attention those hatemongers Huckleberry and Robertson are getting, so she had to pop up again. It’s like a game of whack-a-mole with these nut jobs.

    • The Original Just Me November 6th, 2015 at 22:40

      And here I thought you had to go to the Carnival to see those Whack-a-Mole things.

  6. william matthews November 6th, 2015 at 21:25

    I thought Jesus RAPTURED Michelle a longtime ago. I think she is sincere and is a nice person but her mind really scares the hell out of me.

  7. Robert M. Snyder November 6th, 2015 at 21:27

    People say that Hitler was evil because he killed six million innocent Jews. If the souls of those Jews were subsequently sentenced by God to eternal punishment because they did not accept Jesus as lord and savior, then wouldn’t that make God infinitely more evil than Hitler?

    • The Original Just Me November 6th, 2015 at 22:38

      That would depend on who the Preacher was that was telling the story.

    • StoneyCurtisll November 6th, 2015 at 23:01

      Oh never mind…..

      You are worth it.

    • Dwendt44 November 7th, 2015 at 01:12

      Not to mention the millions killed during the supposed ‘great flood’. That included children and pregnant women thereby making god the greatest abortionist ever.
      And the list of those murdered either by god or at his order is a very long list.

    • fahvel November 7th, 2015 at 03:00

      the god you all refer to is evil – evil incarnate, imposing disease, misery, hunger, war, and just all kinds of bad sht. is there anyone out there that can think of one kind thing that this god has done in his mere 6k+ years of amateur bumbling?

      • Robert M. Snyder November 7th, 2015 at 11:32

        Some people believe in one or more supreme beings who actively control the physical universe. In some cultures, people have believed that good things were caused by benevolent gods and bad things were caused by malevolent gods, or that bad things happened when the gods were angry. In modern America, many people who believe in a supreme being are quick to give this being credit for “miracles”, but are reluctant to blame the supreme being for tragedies. This would seem inconsistent with the notion of a supreme being that is omnipotent.

        Some people believe in a supreme being who takes a “hands-off” approach, a god who created a universe in which the laws of physics are never suspended. They believe that when good people fall off of buildings, they hit the ground just as hard as bad people. Rabbi Harold Kushner wrestled with this question when his young child suffered and died from a painful disease. He subsequently wrote a book called “When Bad Things Happen to Good People”. While many will reach different conclusions than Kushner, his book does a good job of exploring the question of whether a belief in God is compatible with the misery and suffering that we see in the world.

        Some people do not believe in the existence of a supreme being and choose to see the entire universe as something that originated with a Big Bang which eventually resulted in the formation of Planet Earth and all of the life forms which inhabit it. Under this scenario, disease, misery, hunger, and war are the predictable outcomes of natural forces. If there is no god, then we have only Nature to blame for these problems. Diseases like Smallpox and Ebola exist because these organisms naturally evolved from the same biological processes that gave rise to humans. When these organisms inhabit a human body, disease and misery are the predictable result. No person or supreme being is responsible for this disease and suffering. It is completely natural. While many people can and do devote their energies to finding ways to prevent disease and reduce suffering, Nature will always be one step ahead because organisms are constantly evolving. Disease and suffering are therefore a permanent feature of the human condition.

        I do not pretend to know the answer to these questions. My working assumption is that human consciousness (the self or the soul) might be in some way connected to a larger consciousness that exists beyond the confines of this planet and this time. I try to keep my mind open to exploring what might exist. And in order to do so, I think it is necessary to reject religious dogma. If a supreme being, or some other kind of greater consciousness exists, it is certainly not bound by the petty concerns that many people project onto it.

        Some would say that my working assumption (that I am somehow connected to a consciousness beyond myself) is silly because there is no direct evidence that this consciousness even exists. But ask yourself this question: How do you know that Robert M. Snyder actually exists? You have never met me in person. You have never seen a photograph of my face. You have seen only a series of alphabetic characters appearing in an online forum. So you have no direct evidence that a human being named Robert M. Snyder is actually causing these sequences of characters to appear. It is also possible that a sophisticated computer algorithm is generating these messages. But you are operating under the working assumption that the messages you are reading could not have been created by a computer algorithm. That is basically the same working assumption that I make when I look at the universe and conclude that it could not have originated without an intelligent creator.

        Again, I do not pretend to have the answers. All that I have written here is intended as food for thought. Have a great day!

    • rg9rts November 7th, 2015 at 03:10

      What are you going to say to HER when you meet,,,if you get that far

      • Robert M. Snyder November 7th, 2015 at 13:37

        Male and female are properties of organisms that are capable of sexual reproduction. If God is either male or female, that would imply the existence of at least one other god of the opposite sex with whom a godly reproductive act could take place, potentially resulting in godly offspring. Of course it sounds bizarre, but then again, so does immaculate conception and virgin birth if you’ve never heard of it before. None of these things are important in my own concept of God. I don’t think of God as a person, and so I don’t think of God as being either male or female.

        When you say “if you get that far”, I assume that you are referring to the concept of a final judgment. That’s not part of my concept of God.

        • rg9rts November 7th, 2015 at 13:41

          And YOU know this because IT told you…You are sooooooooo full of SHAIT

          • Robert M. Snyder November 7th, 2015 at 14:17

            Why do you find that so hard to believe?

          • Robert M. Snyder November 7th, 2015 at 14:47

            Okay, I see why you’re skeptical. You think I’m a Christian who prays to God and uses words like he and Father. In fact I have not been a member of any religious community for over thirty years, and prayer is not something that I do. My working assumption is that a higher power exists, but I do not see any point in trying to imagine its physical characteristics. In fact I think these questions are kind of silly. Is God male or female? Give me a break.

  8. Larry Schmitt November 6th, 2015 at 21:44

    And if they don’t convert, we’ll go all inquisition on their ass again:

    • whatthe46 November 6th, 2015 at 21:48

      great movie!

    • StoneyCurtisll November 6th, 2015 at 22:55

      High Five to Mel Brooks~!
      Send in the Nuns~!

  9. KABoink_after_wingnut_hacker November 6th, 2015 at 22:00

    Ol’ crazy eyes is at it again.
    Laugh all you want, but sick minds like Bachmann’s are seriously damaging our democracy with ignorance and superstition.

    • Alice Feliciano November 7th, 2015 at 07:23

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  10. The Original Just Me November 6th, 2015 at 22:36

    I think somebody said the same thing back in the 1500’s. God, she must be OLD.

  11. The Original Just Me November 6th, 2015 at 22:41

    Just Pray a whole bunch and read and reread the Bible. that will drive you nuts enough.

  12. StoneyCurtisll November 6th, 2015 at 22:54

    Michele better get on board with Dr. Ben Carson…
    Her religion is a little out of touch with Ben’s..
    Who is a member of a Protestant sect that preaches the imminent return of
    Christ to Earth (originally expecting the Second Coming in 1844) and
    observes Saturday as the sabbath..

    Her “end times” are off kilter with the other lunatics..

  13. Chris November 6th, 2015 at 23:09

    “And we’re seeing as events are speeding up, events are speeding up so quickly right now, and we see how relevant the Bible is, and we’re reading our newspaper, at the same time we’re learning about these biblical events, and it’s literally day by day by day, we’re seeing the fulfillment of scripture right in front of our eyes, even while we’re on the ground.”
    Are Bachmann and Palin in a competition to see who can have the longest, breathless sentence?
    My advice to Michele: keep an eye on Marcus. You may be surprised where he goes. I suspect he’s looking for a different kind of Second Coming.

  14. robert November 6th, 2015 at 23:18

  15. Warman1138 November 6th, 2015 at 23:19

    What’s Bachmann out and about now? There won’t be a full moon for three more weeks.

  16. rg9rts November 7th, 2015 at 03:07

    Talk to Ben about it Michelle

  17. Buford2k11 November 7th, 2015 at 07:03

    It is people like her that we need to keep from the halls of power…Ya don’t hand the Keys to the END OF THE WORLD to a person who would “end the world” like she and her types want to do…Ben Carson would be that person…We need clean bill of mental health from these people before they can run for any tax payer supported office…Mental Health,or a lack of, is more of an issue for the gop than it is for the rest of the population….these folks WANT to end our way of life…they WANT to force us to live under “their rules”…insanity is not a religion, yet they treat religion as serious…their own Book warns us of these False Prophets in Sheep’s Skins…Ted Cruz and his Daddy, Billy Graham and his spawn, Pat Robertson, all of them are false…all of them demand our nation kowtow to them…all of them are wrong….

  18. Chris November 7th, 2015 at 08:14

    Barking mad.

  19. bpollen November 7th, 2015 at 20:22

    You know, Michelle, 1st Century Christians ALSO talked about the shortness of the hour… they thought Jebus was returning in their lifetime. So fools and lunatics like you have, for millennia, engaged in premature preparation. Armageddon tired of it…

  20. maggie November 7th, 2015 at 20:39

    does that include Jeezus himself ms. bachman? after all he was a rabbi who was being persecuted for being jewish…my how little has changed in thousands of years…rome still persecuting the jews….;(

    • whatthe46 November 7th, 2015 at 20:48

      that’s what make these parasites so fk’n tard.

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