McKaskill: Hillary Will Be Elected Next Year
Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, who supported Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008, firmly believes in the Clinton candidacy and believes she will be elected in 2016. I asked the senator about her relationship with the Clintons, especially after not supporting Hillary the last time around, whether email problems will put a dent in her candidacy.
Copyright 2015 Liberaland
12 responses to McKaskill: Hillary Will Be Elected Next Year
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StoneyCurtisll August 21st, 2015 at 21:11
Keep the dream alive Claire…(I’m on your side)
But I have my doubts..
maggie August 21st, 2015 at 21:51
she’s going to be in the white house based on experience, leadership.domestic and foreign…but it’s not just her….Bernie’s a likable guy and Liz and all have similar ideologies….they will have her ear…I don’t believe in the perfect candidate….I vote green when I can…but….I think she is the right one this time around she will highlight women’s and minorities priorities….she’s got plenty of family/community/colleague support….the e-mail bruhahaha is just that….political operatives ka ka ing their diapers for the GOP…sound and fury signifying nothing since all gov are using the same protocols
StoneyCurtisll August 21st, 2015 at 21:55
Right on Maggie~!
I only wish she had a little more charisma?..
And less typical boiler plate comments…
maggie August 21st, 2015 at 22:08
you know it’s a long way to November 2016…I think it’s the summer doldrums….there have been a lot of exhausting social issues…police brutality, war on women etc…as well as the policy issues…she came out against shell (madam president!) she is to the left of Bernie on guns…she came out for two years of free college…she’s for continuing health care….no matter which way you slice it the TPP will never be good enough…the Iran deal is has yet to go through….I think it’s easy to be battle fatigued…not every moment is going to be a super awesome one…but she is a survivor who rises to the occasion when things get difficult…you know the saying “you don’t know how strong you are until you’re in hot water” the democratic party is steering left a little and picking up those left independents…which is why you are seeing such bigoted hysterics on the right side….;O…but you have to be prepared for the fact the the GOP is going to hit the “I hate Hilary” drum hard everyday…it’s about who’s going to get those political jobs (money, money, money) and it’s going to be the dems….meanwhile all the political circus brings in advertising revenue and keeps the networks happy and the so called “journalists” in big fat quotations employed.
Cheers, Peace Maggie
StoneyCurtisll August 21st, 2015 at 22:12
Right on~!
The Original Just Me August 21st, 2015 at 23:55
I very much like and agree with your post.
Tommie August 22nd, 2015 at 00:00
I agree also but i hope she change her tune on looking up to Margaret Sanger who thinks us(Blacks) should be exterminated like weeds! Just saying!
maggie August 22nd, 2015 at 01:39
if you go back and read all the literature on her you will come up with a more complete picture…at the time (before and after the depression, so before and after ww2) there was a convergence of social and philosophical things happening…1) scientists were in full swing about what was happening in the plant and animal life regarding genes for the first time because of microscopes, plant breeding and animal breeding…they were understanding for the first time about chromosomes and genes and how they affected what color our eyes and hair…the fact that traits are inherited…the medical worlds discovery of the ability to manipulate plant and animal traits …well scientists naturally went to apply that to humans…for most scientists it wasn’t a race thing…it was how to have progeny representing “strong” genes…that help one thrive as opposed to “weak” genes inheriting disabilities….etc. , the other things that were happening at the time were a massive influx of migrants and refugees, a population boom (no birth control) food shortages, disease on the rise, and unemployment. This led to the largest number of orphans ever in the history of the US…..I’m not sure one could ever have an accurate count but there were many many orphanages that children were raised in…or they were sent to the country to be indentured servants on rural farms essentially. What Sanger saw in New York City was forming her opinion….what she saw was massive human suffering….and she saw women with huge families they couldn’t feed or care for….family planning has always been controversial from a male point of view because lets face it men would rather control women’s bodies than abstain, wear a condom or get a vasectomy. It’s really clear that some scientists went to far with their ideas on eugenics…but Sanger was actually not pro-hitler…she did not like him at all and her views on abortion for the purposes of family planning …intended for the good of the family , the individual and the social good of the community to eliminate the vast amount of suffering of families who could not take care of or feed their children….sterilizing of course she agreed with but not without consent….of course we know that there were many during those times who were sterilized without their consent. this is an unthinkable view today….but when she saw massive starving children, unemployment and disease….that is going to compel a person to be more pro birth control..for her it had nothing to do with “race” per se…she wanted all the races to thrive….using the new discoveries of science…that included drugs and anti-biotics…..if Sanger were alive today and on top of all the science (in all fields) as I am sure she would be…she would still be pro birth control pro-choice…I am sure she would not hold bigoted view points… some extent she was a product of her times….but also those in the african american community did not consider her racist…..she did not want to do away with the races….that is a myth spread by religious extremists, white supremacists (which she wasn’t in the sense of what it was considered to be in her day) the KKKers and the John Birchers….and she was none of these things when they existed…..she advocated for the right to choose…so people would not have to starve and have children living in misery….she wasn’t trying to get anyone to stop having children….the misogynists love to demonize her…because if it were not for family planning and education men would have control over women, they would not have the vote….they would be chattel…and this is what conservative men would vastly prefer women to be…property to dispose of as they would wish… the Planned Parenthood saying goes NEVER AGAIN. cheers, peace, Maggie
Tommie August 22nd, 2015 at 02:32
I appreciate your in depth study of this issue and i love to to learn new things but if your name was Hillary (which i would support over a Republican since they have said worse things about Blacks) and you would say i do not believe what Margaret Sanger said about Blacks, i would feel a little better and maybe more minorities would support her, that is why i like Bernie Sanders since he walked with MLK and have been trying to help us (Blacks) since back in the day and is still trying today! IMHO!
The Original Just Me August 21st, 2015 at 23:53
Never ever take anything for granted. There is a long hard fight ahead yet and anything can happen.
jstsmlbrlcnsrvtvguy August 22nd, 2015 at 09:55
Ms..McKaskill can support whomever she chooses. I’m for Bernie Sanders.
Chris August 22nd, 2015 at 19:11
Alan, look at your headine. At least spell the name correctly there.