Both Sides Don’t

Posted by | July 28, 2015 20:00 | Filed under: Contributors Opinion Politics Tengrain

We were amused over the weekend that the Lamestream Media (thanks Mooselini!) has been trying to cast Bernie Sanders as the Donald Trump of the left. Chuck Todd has made it his career lately to try to find a way to counter-balance the short-fingered vulgarian (as Spy Magazine used to call him), and Sanders appeared to be the way.

The problem is not with Trump, per se. The problem is that Trump resonates with the Republican’s crazy base. Donald Trump is not resonating because of his policy proposals (as Mr. Sanders has with the Left), he resonates with his base because of unfocused anger and perhaps hatred. He reflects the GOP base. I would say that he is the Messenger, but he is also the Message. Also/Too: can anyone tell us anything solid about his policies, how he would achieve them? Bueller?

And that the media is only focusing on Trump of course makes all the other candidates crazier: they have to break through to be heard, so we have the lowest tier of the Wingnuttian candidates Lindsey Graham literally setting his phone on fire, Rand Paul literally taking a chainsaw to the tax code, and Mike Huckabee figuratively embodying Godwin’s Law (and he’s not alone).

Get some popcorn, this is gonna be fun!

We can (and will) continue to talk about the Konservative Klown Kar in the 2016 Goat Rodeo, but the truth of the matter is that their nutty candidates reflect what is left of that party. And when you have a two-party system and one party is in complete free-fall, you really have fewer real choices and less (little d) democracy.

It’s the story of the last 40 years (thanks St. Ronnie!) and the media is ignoring it.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Tengrain

Fully caffeinated with twice the sugar, unabashedly liberal. Award-winning Americans United blogger, blogs at Mock Paper Scissors, and sometimes at Crooks and Liars.

You can follow @Tengrain on Twitter, or you might see him enjoying coffee somewhere in Seattle at any given moment of the day.

11 responses to Both Sides Don’t

  1. tracey marie July 28th, 2015 at 20:32

    The right will implode, especially if trump is the chosen weenie

    • Suzanne McFly July 28th, 2015 at 21:49

      That is one useless weenie.

      • Tommie July 28th, 2015 at 21:50

        And alot of useless votes!!

      • tracey marie July 28th, 2015 at 21:50

        can you imagine him trying to debate Hillary.

        • Suzanne McFly July 28th, 2015 at 21:55

          He would know what a rape victim feels like.

  2. amersham46 July 28th, 2015 at 20:40

    The GOP circus , sorry folks 3 rings are just not enough

  3. burqa July 28th, 2015 at 21:05

  4. Tommie July 28th, 2015 at 21:48

    They are way off, they are perfect opposites, Trump hates minorities unless they are working for damn near nothing and he got sued for not renting to minorities! Sanders walked with MLK and been fighting for civil rights and rights for all the american people!!! Whoever thinks they are the same but just different parties are way off base!!!

  5. Merlin July 28th, 2015 at 23:30

    I the rethugs are really escaped Politzanians. They had to run from their own world after devastating it through mining, drilling and total misuse. I think they stole the only space ship on their planet and came here around the time of Nixon. They have been polluting, lying, cheating and stealing from all of us ever since. They hate our planet, because it is still good and green. Theirs is gone in a cataclysmic explosion cause by their disregard! Let us NOT allow them to do that here.;

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