The Free Beacon Defends Israeli Ambassador In Obama Administration Dispute

Posted by | June 17, 2015 18:00 | Filed under: Contributors News Behaving Badly Opinion VegasJessie

Former Israeli Ambassador, Michael Oren

In a recent book authored by former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, he recounts a disagreement over the building of settlements in Jerusalem.  It was a sticking point between the Obama Administration and the Netanyahu government.  The Free Beacon explains:

The incident took place in 2010, when the Obama administration stoked tensions with Israel over its decision to continue building homes in Jerusalem neighborhoods, according to Oren, who recounts the episode in his new memoir, Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide.

Oren recounted that when he landed back in Washington, D.C., following the trip, he landed “to learn that [then] Secretary of State Clinton has excoriated Netanyahu for 45 minutes over the phone, rebuking him for humiliating the president and undermining America’s ability to deal with pressing Middle East issues.”

As we might expect from a right-wing rag like The Washington Free Beacon, the willful violation of an agreement between the two countries by the Israelis, is praised while the Obama Administration is always excoriated.  Ask any Republican ‘patriot;’ they revere Bibi Netanyahu’s government over their own country’s, siding always with the right-wing Israelis.

Oren then traveled to the State Department for a tense meeting with then-Deputy Secretary Jim Steinberg. Oren later found out the meeting was being listened to by State Department staffers, who “cheered” as Steinberg upbraided Oren.

“There, waiting in his not-nice American mode, was Deputy Secretary Jim Steinberg, who proceeded to read me the text of Hillary’s conversation with Netanyahu,” Oren writes. “This contained a list of demands, including a total building freeze in East Jerusalem as well as the West Bank, most of which would be unacceptable to any Israeli prime minister, much less a [right-leaning] Likudnik.”

The Likudniks of Israel are not representative of the entire nation, much the same as it is in the U.S.  American Republicans think that Israeli hegemony is justified and similar to American Manifest Destiny, any peaceful agreements with Palestinians be damned.  Of course The Free Beacon is devoted to promoting the Likudnik/Republican idea (that is the antithesis of a Two State Solution) is the only patriotic way to go.  Israel broke their side of the agreement, and Susan Rice issued a statement that expresses that in no uncertain terms.

Free Beacon writers seem to work for the Republican Party, just like the editor’s father-in-law, Bill Kristol, does at The Weekly Standard.   They jump at the chance to attack any Democrat, especially President Obama.  These are strange times where the people who consider themselves patriots are the first to throw their own president under the bus.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

One response to The Free Beacon Defends Israeli Ambassador In Obama Administration Dispute

  1. tracey marie June 17th, 2015 at 18:05

    pathetic rwnj’s.

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