Bernie Sanders: ‘The Economy Is Totally Rigged’

Posted by | May 15, 2015 10:30 | Filed under: Politics Radio Interviews

Bernie Sanders discussed his presidential run with my on radio Thursday night. I asked him how he can compete against a billion dollar campaign.

SEN. SANDERS: The American people are very angry at a situation in which 99% of all new income is going to the top 1%, in which the top one-tenth of 1% owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. Very few people think that is what the United States of America should be about and understand the economy is totally rigged in favor of the wealthy and the powerful…

COLMES:  Hillary Clinton has said if elected she would campaign or she would try to over turn Citizens United and support a Constitutional Amendment and yet she is still taking PAC money, you’re not, the argument being that as long as everybody else is doing it, I’ve got to do it too to stay competitive. I presume you don’t believe you need to do that to be competitive.

SANDERS: I doubt there would be too many billionaires who would contribute to my campaign. SuperPACs are part of what is destroying our democracy and I use that word advisedly. I don’t know too many people who think that democracy has anything to do with the fact that people like the Koch brothers can spend $900 million in an election cycle to buy candidates. Secretary Clinton can talk about supporting an Constitutional Amendment, I introduced that Amendment. I happen to believe we should go even further than over turning Citizens United and that is to move to public funding of elections.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

9 responses to Bernie Sanders: ‘The Economy Is Totally Rigged’

  1. Suzanne McFly May 15th, 2015 at 10:44

    I would love to vote for this man over Hillary any day of the week, but I will be voting for candidate who will beat the republican. To make sure Senator Sanders is our candidate, we need to get his message out there for others to hear. Senator Warren has a similar message and many support what she is saying but she is refusing to run. Bernie would easily get the same support if his message is shared.

  2. fahvel May 15th, 2015 at 11:30

    if you don’t elect this guy and give him the congress all of you deserve what you get – get out there and don’t stop until the underbelly of your political system is gone.

  3. Jimmy Fleck May 15th, 2015 at 13:28

    I wonder how public funding of campaigns would work? How much money would you allocate to people to campaign for an office? What is to prevent 1,000 people from running for office and all of them asking for the public funds to run?

    • mea_mark May 15th, 2015 at 13:45

      I would break it down three ways. First, petitions with signatures to run in primary. Second, limited funding in primary then third, general election with public funding to be determined. Very rough break down.

      • Jimmy Fleck May 15th, 2015 at 14:02

        What about independents running in the general election? Surely you don’t want public funding of campaigns to only go to the two established parties. I also assume public funding of elections would need to work down to all levels of government. It wouldn’t be fair to let only the rich win state elections would it? You can see how public funding of elections could quickly become an expensive item right?

        • mea_mark May 15th, 2015 at 14:19

          A primary could be held for independents to limit how many could run in a general election. Public funding might be expensive, but it would be less than what is spent now, overall. Taxes would need to be raised to pay for it, and their in is the rub that will irritate some.

        • OldLefty May 15th, 2015 at 14:24

          1) Usually it’s based on the percentage of support they get based on signatures, etc.
          2) Who says elections have to be so expensive?

  4. John Tarter May 16th, 2015 at 01:13

    Yeah, we know Bernie. The government picks and chooses which businesses and sectors to support and the only thing that matters is whose crony you are. Solyndra, GM, the list is endless.

  5. robert May 16th, 2015 at 04:53

    i guess bernie is saying it shouldn’t cost over a billion to run for president

    where have i heard that before ?

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