Red States Rank High On List Of States With The Most STDs

Posted by | January 16, 2015 10:20 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

Sex-education would go a long way in these states. Using Center for Disease Control numbers on STD prevalence in each state, ranked the “sluttiest” states.

That’s not an appropriate word, in my opinion. I’d say it’s a lack of education.

The site used the following STDs – chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis – and added up infections per 100,000 residents.

Mississippi came in at number one for STDs. Yay. You’re number one! You’re number one!

2) Alaska

3) Alabama

4) Louisiana

(I’m seeing a lot of red states here.)

5) South Carolina

6) Arkansas

7) Georgia

8) North Carolina

9) Illinois

10) New Mexico

11) Tennessee

My new state came in at number 26. Obviously, I am not a slut. But, the state I moved from, New York, came in at #12, so maybe I used to be a slut.

New Hampshire came in as the least STD-ridden state.

Interesting tidbits about Mississippi: The state’s sex-education in the schools’ curriculum includes using a Peppermint Pattie to show that a girl is no longer clean or valuable after she’s had sex.

The state’s only abortion clinic has been under siege by anti-choice activists.

Mississippi is among the states with the worst education systems, highest obesity levels, highest unemployment, and lowest rates of health insurance coverage.

The state is an economic black hole. There is a dearth of federal programs that target specific states and cities based on local economic need, and Mississippi is among those states.

But, at least they came in at number one is something.

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H/T: @ComgenKDT with thanks.

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35 responses to Red States Rank High On List Of States With The Most STDs

  1. cjgreene01 January 18th, 2015 at 14:13

    It IS about the South having the lowest EDUCATIONAL standards in the country. Because when young adults feel that they have no hope for the future, having sex and having babies is their only means for survival. If there are no jobs and no job training and no opportunities to attend schools that would get them out of poverty…SEXUAL ACTIVITY… is their only means of escape. It is a sad commentary on how our country treats poor, ignorant people who have less choices for advancement than others in more populated or less sophisticated areas. The Republican agenda is to rid the country of USELESS people…including: the old, the sick, the uneducated, the dependent, and those who are a DRAIN on the taxpayers dollars. Instead of cutting their own salaries or cutting back on their own benefits these “head in the sand” legislators can only see one thing: THEIR OWN SURVIVAL and f**k everyone else because nobody else matters but them. It’s a sad, sad state of affairs in this country to say the least.

  2. cjgreene01 January 18th, 2015 at 15:13

    It IS about the South having the lowest EDUCATIONAL standards in the country. Because when young adults feel that they have no hope for the future, having sex and having babies is their only means for survival. If there are no jobs and no job training and no opportunities to attend schools that would get them out of poverty…SEXUAL ACTIVITY… is their only means of escape. It is a sad commentary on how our country treats poor, ignorant people who have less choices for advancement than others in more populated or less sophisticated areas. The Republican agenda is to rid the country of USELESS people…including: the old, the sick, the uneducated, the dependent, and those who are a DRAIN on the taxpayers dollars. Instead of cutting their own salaries or cutting back on their own benefits these “head in the sand” legislators can only see one thing: THEIR OWN SURVIVAL and f**k everyone else because nobody else matters but them. It’s a sad, sad state of affairs in this country to say the least.

  3. Jim November 17th, 2015 at 15:43

    abortions dont stop STDS

  4. Jim November 17th, 2015 at 15:44

    Mississippi has a large population of democrats

  5. Jim November 17th, 2015 at 15:50

    Maybe the answer is to stop sending federal money to Mississippi

  6. Jim November 17th, 2015 at 16:31

  7. Jim November 17th, 2015 at 16:39

    This needs to be broken down by voter precincts not by state

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