Allen West: Obama Wrong To Dismis ISIS’ Islamic Ideology

Posted by | September 23, 2014 08:11 | Filed under: Contributors News Behaving Badly Opinion Politics Top Stories VegasJessie

Allen West is upset that President Obama won’t divulge the precise strategy that he will employ to degrade and destroy ISIS. He says,

Obama delivered his 15-minute empty speech which focused more on what he was not going to do along with self-righteous indignation in dismissing ISIS’ Islamic ideology.

These folks on the Right want the president to denounce the faith of over one billion Muslims on the planet. Because ISIS declares itself the Islamic State by name, the majority of Islamic people who aren’t violent-obsessed Muslims disavow the terrorist group. Allen West claims the president is remiss by honoring the very treaty President Bush signed with the Al-Maliki government stating that in 2011, the U.S. would withdraw all combat troops. Most Americans were in favor of this measure by that point, the country was severely war weary.

The raw hate of Allen West never fails to reveal itself.

Even former Obama administration Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, has confided in an interview that he was against the withdrawal of our forces from Iraq. So who does Obama listen to? Obviously not the people assigned to key national security positions. I suppose being a complete political animal means he only confides in Darth Vader’s sister, Valerie Jarrett…We are slowly watching the demise of our nation at the hands of an ego maniacal intransigent ideologue. We will be ultimately victorious, but the pain is going to be rather intense for a period of time.

What Panetta actually said before West completely twisted his words was, Obama should have armed and trained Syria’s rebels in their uprising against President Bashar Assad. Facing defeat in the House and Senate, the administration opted for Russian-supported mediation and Assad relinquished his chemical arsenal, without a single American life sacrificed. He also stated the Iraqi government refused a deal to allow U.S. military forces to stay in Iraq. As the New York Times reported in 2011, “Iraqis were unwilling to accept” the terms of a Status of Forces Agreement to leave thousands of troops as a residual force. Many on the right have repeatedly failed to mention this important detail. The Republicans never bring up McCain’s folly with the leaders of what is now ISIS., whom the Right Wing is accusing the CIA of training.

So what’s it going to be? Should he predict the future by deciding which terrorist group the current rebels will transform into? The token Black Republican has such disdain for his Commander in Chief, it’s not implausible he would probably aid and abet ISIS just to spite the President.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

47 responses to Allen West: Obama Wrong To Dismis ISIS’ Islamic Ideology

  1. tiredoftea September 23rd, 2014 at 12:59

    “…ego maniacal intransigent ideologue”, pretty good self description there, Allen! Which is why you are a one term failed Congressman and disgraced ex-military officer who is criticizing a twice elected President.

  2. majii September 23rd, 2014 at 18:54

    Allen West is still butt-hurt that he was forced to leave the army due to conduct unbecoming an officer and to avoid being court-martialed. He reminds me of Alan Keyes in that he’s jealous that another black man could do something he’ll never be able to accomplish.

  3. majii September 23rd, 2014 at 18:54

    Allen West is still butt-hurt that he was forced to leave the army due to conduct unbecoming an officer and to avoid being court-martialed. He reminds me of Alan Keyes in that he’s jealous that another black man could do something he’ll never be able to accomplish.

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