Arbitrary Borders And Climate Change Created The ISIS Crisis In Iraq

Posted by | June 17, 2014 13:45 | Filed under: Contributors Opinion Politics Top Stories VegasJessie War & Peace

Arbitrary Borders Drawn Post WW1 Have Caused Many Conflicts

The latest crisis in Iraq is, surprisingly, not just the result of the failure of the Bush Administration’s Shock and Awe campaign followed by the bloody occupation from 2003-2011.  After we literally decimated a nation that was once perilously, but somewhat effectively, maintained by a brutal dictator named Saddam Hussein, we tried to keep the arbitrary borders that were drawn by the Sykes Picot Agreement in 1916.   In 2006, then-Senator Joseph Biden suggested a model based on the three-state solution of Kurds, Arab Shi’ites and Arab Sunnis with a central command in Baghdad. In retrospect, this may have alleviated the current crisis where the new terrorists on the scene, ISIS, (the Salafist–Jihadist Al Qaeda terrorist army, the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham [aka Syria]) is creating chaos and mass slaughter in the name of Sunni Fundamentalism.  Exploitation of the region’s oil originally brought us to this area in which the West (France and the U.K. mainly) created the awful conundrum of drawing arbitrary borders that failed to address the geographical rifts  in the sects of Islam. 

Thomas Friedman of the New York Times has extensively researched the 2006-2010 drought exacerbated by global warming which has ripened the region of Syria and Iraq for brutal war. Mass migration from bone-dry areas combined with sectarian conflicts only worsen the centuries-old rift between the two sects of Islam.  With the help of powerful neighbors like Iran and Saudi Arabia, this has become an epic sectarian war with no quick and easy solution.

Prior to our arrival, Al Qaeda was not really an issue in Iraq.  Our occupation did invite the group’s presence as they escalated the violence against our troops.  For the most part, we were able to defeat Al Qaeda in that nation, but upon our departure in 2011 (signed by President Bush in the Status of Forces agreement in 2008), Iraq fell back into the same sectarian violence Saddam Hussein managed to curtail in a cruel but effective way.  With poor leadership, the ISIS Group, which includes war-torn Syria, has managed to operate with a brutality far worse than Al Qaeda.

This entire catastrophe may have been avoided if;

1. We didn’t kowtow to the profit-seeking defense contractor industry;
2. We understood the cultural and religious differences of the region and
3. America acted appropriately based on evidence that was not falsified to involve us in this interminable crisis.

President Obama is in a no-win situation in this volatile region.  We must never forget what put us there in the first place and vow, as a country, to keep irresponsible liars out of the White House. We can’t accomplish this if Americans don’t get out the vote en masse in the November 2014 midterms.  

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

One response to Arbitrary Borders And Climate Change Created The ISIS Crisis In Iraq

  1. Jmacgowan8 June 20th, 2014 at 08:28

    Yes keep liars like Obama out of the whitehouse. Also lets remeber that this isman opinion piece just like the friedman article. If Global warming were a factor then you would have less droughts as the oceans would evaporate more and increase rain.
    Amazing that after 6 years of your candidate in office you make excuses for him and twist facts to say he has no responsibilty formanything. Iraq could not have any association with Obama’s lack of effective action in Syria, supplying weapons to groups through Libiya arming these terrorists.
    Funny how you demonize bush for eliminating a brutal tyrant and leaving a country that was formthe most part stable. Yet Obama has no responsibility for ignoring Iraq and what about his effort to eliminate Ghadaffi and leaving that country in such a mess that it resulted in the death of the first US ambassador since tencarter administration.

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