Hate Mail: More Love Edition

Posted by | January 8, 2014 10:43 | Filed under: Hate Mail Top Stories

Some recent comments from my Facebook admirers:


You’re so dumb that I feel embarrassed for you. How do you justify supporting the legalization of Marijuana. I moved to Colorado to get away from the stupid liberal morons who destroyed California and now liberals are destroying beautiful Colorado. Pot, Homo Marriage, Friends who can adopt children, Increase taxes on business and the middle class, etc. What is it about America that you left wing idiots hate so much. Income Inequality? NEWSFLASH… What my husband and I work for and earn belongs to US not to some lazy liberal who thinks that he/she is ENTITLED to what we have. Wise Up you moron.


i watch fox news so that i know what is going on in this world. i never thought that there would be anyone that i despise more than obama until you and that broad leslie marshall come on the air / why in the world they let you on t.v. is beyond me. you ,obama ,marshall and juan williams are the closest thing to being communist pigs


I’ve watched you for 15 years and I’ve yet to hear an intelligent comment uttered from your stupid face.


1) Obama’s administration would make Himler proud

2) Obama is a muzzie nazi traitor

3) Israel is blameless

4) The entire Arab muzzie scumshit world is sewage

5) Islam is satanic garbage

6) Islam is not a religion

7) Obama is trying to destroy Israel, destroy the USA, prop up muzzieshit and defend black murderers

8) There is no such thing as Palestinians. They took the name after the Arabshit lost yet another war against Israel to make it look like Israel “stole” their land…land that was bought and paid for.

9) The only way for the west to survive is to bomb the madrasses, nuke 500 million sand monkeys, destroy Al Manar, Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera, deport the subhuman muzzies, obliterate “Mein Koran,” and publicly declare Islam is dogshit…so the muzzies will start converting to ANYTHING else.

Take your head out of your ass.


You are fucking nuts you liberal stooge

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.