Perr: Real Reason Republicans Oppose Obamacare: It Will Succeed
Passage of Bill Clinton’s health care program, Bill Kristol warned in 1993, wouldn’t just “do everything to help Democratic electoral prospects,” but would “revive the reputation” of the Democrats “as the generous protector of middle-class interests.” Sixteen years later in November 2009, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch confessed his worry that if the Affordable Care Act became law, “you’re going to have a very rough time having a two-party system in this country, because almost everybody’s going to say, “All we ever were, all we ever are, all we ever hope to be depends on the Democratic Party.”
That overriding fear–that a grateful American public would reward the Democratic Party with an enduring majority for adding the third and final pillar of health care to the social safety net alongside Social Security and Medicare–has fueled the fire of conservatives’ scorched-earth opposition to Obamacare…
Study after study has long shown that health care is worst in precisely those states where Republicans poll best. But in their zeal to discredit a president they loathe, GOP leaders across the nation passed up an historic opportunity to bring health insurance, greater financial security and higher standards of living to millions of their own constituents. When they didn’t outright deny coverage to red state residents, Republicans did their damnedest to prevent their voters from even learning about their options under the ACA. And what “information” about Obamacare the GOP’s best and brightest regurgitated simply wasn’t true.
In red states, governors and legislatures are doing everything they can to stop Obamacare from being properly implemented (witness Ohio).Thus, they are screwing their own citizens by not giving them choices that would allow them the beset rates. Then, when they complain about how high the rates are, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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