Roller Coaster: House GOP Officially Paralyzed
House Speaker John Boehner, he of dubious power and copious tears, has updated a breathless press corps on the status of the debt/shutdown deathmatch.
Earlier this morning, the House appeared ready to formalize a preemptory strike against the Senate compromise, under the theory that the Senate plan was too bare on extortionate scalps. Now, a scant two hours later, it’s all moot anyway. Follow?
If not, you’re not alone. Just listen to the chastened Speaker, as he talks about, well, something:
“We’re trying to find a way forward in a bipartisan way that would continue to provide fairness to the American people under Obamacare,” Mr. Boehner said, but he also acknowledged that “there are a lot of opinions” among his fractious members.
So… the Congress that distinguished itself in past battles only by reinventing “Kick The Can” is now officially unable to find the can.
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