Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert Says Terrorists Have Babies Here Who Will Kill Us In 20 Years

Posted by | July 2, 2010 18:53 | Filed under: Contributors News Behaving Badly Opinion Politics Sandi Behrns

by Sandi Behrns

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has been on quite a roll lately. Today’s fresh outrage? Hamas terrorists are having anchor babies that are going to blow us up! Honestly, you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried. Last night on Eric Bolling’s Fox Business show “Money Rocks” Gohmert said that Hamas tourists are having babies here to come back years later to blow us up. (h/t Think Progress)

BOLLING: We’re actually experiencing situations where dangerous countries al Qaeda will send a pregnant woman over here, have a baby, and then start to train these babies to be terrorists, is that right?

GOHMERT: Well, Eric, it’s not just a theory. It first came to my attention. Some of us were traveling to the Middle East last August, a year ago. And a lady on the plane was telling one of our group that they were about to have their second granddaughter. Her husband was with Hamas, her grand — I’m sorry her son-in-law was with Hamas. And that they were going to do with the second as they did with the first grandchild. Daughter is going to come to America right before it’s born on a tourist visa. Have the baby. They just like the option of having American citizens in the family. […]

We’re bringing them over here on tourist visas, some illegally, letting them be born here and saying this is an American citizen. So come back in 20, 25 years when you’re ready to blow us up.

Wow, fear monger much? That’s some scary plot there!  On its face this is an absurd argument, and hardly the most pressing of US national security concerns. Imagine that a child born here will be primed for 20 years to hate America so that one day he may return to “blow us up.”

Gohmert then advocates chucking the 14th Amendment, saying that a law should be passed that anyone who comes to the US on a visa is not subject to the jurisdiction of the US government. Surely he can’t actually mean that. That would mean that our courts and law enforcement couldn’t touch them. Think of every two-bit movie or TV plot you’ve ever seen where the good-guy cops can’t get the bad guy because of diplomatic immunity, and apply that to every person entering the US on a tourist, student or work visa.

He adds, via some convoluted comparison to the lack of free speech in the military, that the Constitution “anticipates different groups will have different rights.” You read that right: Louie Gohmert says the Constitution of the United States does not provide the same rights to all. His explanation was such a train wreck that it’s difficult to parse it all.

It is also worth noting that in the aftermath of 9/11, it is a meticulous process to attain a visa; involving copious documentation, fingerprinting, photographs, interviews and background checks. But none of that matters, because Louie talked to some woman on a plane.

This comes just a week after Gohmert’s disastrous speech on the House floor singing the praises of  Thomas Sowell’s editorial drawing a comparison between Obama, Hitler and Lenin. Pity he doesn’t see the irony in talking about “useful idiots.”

After referring to the Sowell argument as “brilliant,” Gohmert says:

“I didn’t vote for Barack Obama in 2008, but I sure would’ve voted for Thomas Sowell…”

I rest my case.

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Copyright 2010 Liberaland
By: Sandi Behrns

Sandi Behrns is a noted policy nerd, new media & web developer, and consultant to progressive organizations and campaigns. She is a senior contributor to Liberaland, and the Executive Editor of Progressive Congress News.

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